Acceptible plan for Universal Back Ground Checks?


Long Time Member
So here is a thought... I am sitting here looking at my state having a 15+ day waiting period from a huge back log of background checks. Seeing all the crap with this universal back ground check etc. Is there a different option?

I wonder if we could do a purchaser license that could be similar to a driving lic. By having such a license I would be able to purchase legal weapons with no call in back ground checks, no waiting, etc. I could present this in private deals, at gun shows, etc. Once a year I would have to renew and it would have similar stipulations when I move as a driver license. If I were arrested for certain types of crimes, my license would be confiscated pending the outcome of trial.

While I know that there would be a chance that this could be cheated, so can the current system.

Also in this system there would be no need to report gun purchases, type of guns, numbers of guns etc. Just the fact that I can legally purchase. This would allow for private owners to sell to people with the proper permit.

This could avoid a national gun registry and would allow me and other gun owners to walk into a store and walk out in 10 minutes.

Let me know what you think. I would prefer I had to do nothing, but I also prefer things to be better than what they are(menaing a huge back log tons of money wasted on checks and the fact that none of it really has done nothing to prevent gun crime)...
I think it's a thoughtful approach BUT the government would find a way to TAX it and possibly/eventually ban or confiscate firearms from these "licensed" folks. I'm finding it harder to trust the gov with anything. Where will it end if we don't stop it now?
The gov has way too much control in our lives already.
From the frequently asked questions section of the Utah Department of Public Safety.

"If I have a Utah Concealed Firearms Permit, do I have to go through the standard "Brady Bill Background Check" when I purchase a firearm?

A valid Utah concealed firearm permit may be used to waive the BCI background check and the corresponding fees. However, the dealer is still required to call BCI to confirm the validity of the concealed firearm permit."
So you are willing to give up your constitutional rights and submit to a yearly license fee, etc.? Fine with me if we also start licensing all "news" reporters and rescinding their first amendment rights for poor behavior. Well, it really still wouldn't be fine with me, as I don't believe the constitution is negotiable. But you get my point. Stop "compromising" our rights!

And yes, I realize a lot of our eastern brethren and Kalifornia folks are already burdened with pointless laws of questionable legality. The madness has to stop. The camel's nose is inside the tent, and it needs a strong thwack if not a bullet to keep the camel from coming in farther.

Legalize the constitution. Stand up for your rights!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-13 AT 01:50PM (MST)[p]In Utah, a CFP allows bypass of background check, but they still have to call the State and make sure your permit is currently valid.

When I lived in GA, my weapons permit was all I needed to show to buy a gun. The dealer wrote the permit# on top of the Federal form and out the door I went. More gun friendly states should head this direction.

I have no problem with an instant check, but there should be no paper trail once I have been deemed "worthy" of a gun purchase.
I'd like to know what background check criminals are going to comply with?! As Uncle Ted said last night, leave me the hell alone and start doing something about criminals!
And there is no such thing as acceptable compromise! Shall Not Be Infringed is not that difficult to understand, but the left is banking on people willing to compromise!!
Constitutional and compromise issues aside, let's just say such a system was implemented. You know there will be an annual or 'per purchase' fee associated with your purchaser license. Might be $10 or $20 or $50 to start. But when they raise the fee to $1,000 or $10,000, there will be no need for any further control legislation. They will have accomplished their goal administratively rather than legislatively.

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