Absolute Cranker Rams


Long Time Member
Seen these on another site. They said they were supposedly taken in the Cadomin area of Alberta. Anyone have any info on these bad boys?



Anyone care to guess scores??
I'm no expert. They are absolute PIGS without a doubt, but the curls are fairly compact aren't they?? Or do they just look compact because they are so massive??

They dont seem to drop too far under the jaw...???

Dont bust my balls...those are AMAZING rams...I'm just curious what they'd score? 200??? or "just" 195??? :0)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-08 AT 04:00PM (MST)[p]dont know what they score (dont even know how to score a ram) but if i ever manage to get one like that i will S**T my self!

That being said does this make anyone else a little curious


Just Living The Dream
Score? 1 in 1,000,000 minimum. They sure get a lot of length with up swing in their horns. Your right not much drop but not all horn builds have to have drop to have length. Some make up with har far the horns go back or how high they go up first. All I have to say is they are awesome and shooters. Put them on the ground and check how much over 190" they are. Just a guess but the larger I put at 198-200 and the "smaller" at 192-194.
I am still lokking for a desert to look that way!
Those are million dollar pics.I just can't stop looking at them. Absolutly freaking AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have the Alberta ram symetry...with tight curl close to face and then flaring out. I'll let the experts score them...
These rams are on the Cadomin mine. There are quite a few experienced sheephunters that think the larger ram could possibly be the new world record. A guy by the name of Joey Olivieri has numerous professional photos of these rams. Joey was selling some awesome photos of these rams at the FNAWS convention. I bought a photo of the big ram that is the best sheep photo that I have ever seen. Joey's email is [email protected]
Absoulte smoker rams. No doubt the bigger one is easily over 200. The curls do look a little tight but when a ram is packing that much mass and that much curl, they often do look that way. Cool pics, thanks for posting.
Anyone have any pics of the Alberta Premier's Tag ram from 07? I'm assuming the 08 tag has been auctioned off by now. Anyone know what it went for? With having a ram like just outside the hunt area you would think the price would have gone back up again. The fears of the Metis harvest in recent years have made the tag less desirable.
I saw some pics of the 2007 rams down in SLC...I'm hearing 197-ish. I believe the tag for 2008 sold for just over $200--like $210 or 220.
The guy who bought the Alberta Premier Sheep Tag for this fall in Salt Lake has bought our California bighorn tag twice! His Father who he purchased the tag for two years ago got a 174 ram with us. And last year he hunted the tag for himself and got a 181 3/8 California bighorn! He figured this fall he needed a 200+ Rocky Mtn bighorn!
I would say that the big ram is going in the 206-208 range I think he would probably take the world record, not by much though, he is definitely a beast.
This ram is very similar to the Earl Cole ram from Montana. I think the large ram has a left horn that is an inch longer than the Cole ram. That ram scores 196 2/8 and has almost identical horns, imo. The curl is too tight and doens't drop below the jaw line. The hole in the curl is the size of a baseball...like the Cole ram. Based on my comparisons to the other Alberta rams in Gilchrist's book, I think 198"...

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