A Zone Big Buck Hot Spots


Long Time Member
Looks like I'm only hunting Cali this year so give up your hot spots! When I say "hot" spots, I mean temperature wise. I hate hunting A Zone. Anybody have a private ranch with lots of deer on it that I can come hunt? :)


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Sure I have 20,000 acres you can have to your self it hasent been hunted on in 20 years, not! just kidding.
You can guide me out there, Bob? Will it be the type of hunt where if we see a vehicle, you'll yell, "Get down"? LOL

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Wiszard, your post has me thinking. I think the hottest i've hunted in A zone was 2 yrs ago it was 103-105 degrees. not sure what i was thinking but it was miserable

That doesn't surprise me, goat. I'll probably wait til the last two weeks of the season to hunt. Hopefully, I can hit a few mild days that get into the mid 70's. LOL

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
haha I'm telling you, when its low 80's high 70's i feel like I'm hunting in heaven compared to high 90's low 100's LOL!

I hunted at lake Berryesa for over 25 yrs. The hottest I remember was a opening day 110.I shot a buck at fist light that day and never saw another deer that weekend.
I too hunted the A zone a lot for many years in the Livermore hills and those hill around Mt Diablo. It got hot early and stayed that way unless we were lucky enough to get the evening fog to roll in during the evening hunts.

We as a group pretty much hunted all day but took a nice long lunch break, played some Pedro, and took a nice nap.

When by myself off walking, i'd use hours to get where and how i wanted to be just before the sun went down or came up. A lot of my bucks were taken just at dark as bucks left cover on their way for a drink that they just couldn't wait any longer. Those few minutes were so important as our country had a brush that a person just was not going into or find anything other than misery and those bucks knew where to go and stay to be safe. It was great when a plan came together on a particular better buck.

Hunt you best spot until the last second that you can and walk out in the dark!

To find deer during the heat of the day, we had several ranches that had long oak and laurel tree infested north slopes. the deer liked to bed up under the packed together laurel trees(that's the tree that grows Bay leaf) or where there were buck-eye trees mixed in with the oaks. The important thing was the darker the shade the better and not too far from water.

Those days were a good bit ago but the hunting there in that country and country like it, still applies!


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