A young Arab boy asks his father



A young Arab boy asks his father, "What is that weird hat you are wearing?"

The father said, "Why, it's a 'chechia' because in the desert it protects our heads from the sun."

"And what is this type of clothing that you are wearing?" asked the young man.

"It's a 'djbellah' because in the desert it is very hot and it protects the body." said the father.

The son asked, "And what about those ugly shoes on your feet?

His father replied, "These are 'babouches", which keep us from burning our feet in the desert."

"Tell me," added the boy.

"Yes, my son?"

"Why are you living in Dearborn , Michigan and still wearing all this sh!t?"
I'd give them Bastards A FREE One way ticket with instructions never to show up here again!

How's that Homie?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-11 AT 06:17AM (MST)[p]Great question?? I live near Seattle and they wear that sh!t hear too!!! It sure isn't to protect them from the sun??? I can't pronounce any of their clothing....

Abdula Kingfish.....
lol very good and oh so true...church groups have brought in a ton of these non desirables to boise. it's not uncommon to see woman with baskets on there heads walking down the street too. never see these people work. just at bus stops going to the mosque or something.......
I don't have a sense of humor, and that's racist. I'm not laughing.....Thought I would save some of the fun haters here the time of posting! :)

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