A WOOF IN TARDville!!!

There is a roomer Western Wildlife Conservancy is live trapping wolfs up north and bringing them down south.

I don't know if its true,, but all of the sudden a bunch of them start showing up way way south???????
I wonder if they turned it in & got their Bounty Money?:D

That one should be worth 200.00 rather than 50.00!:D

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
Pay Close attention elkun:

"I think it was very sad a wolf was killed," said Kirk Robinson with Western Wildlife Conservancy. "This is suspect."

Robinson blamed the shooting on the state's coyote bounty, in which hunters can collect cash for killing the predators.

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
Stupid fn Wolf. Thought they knew better then to come to Utah. Was told they r going to press charges against the shooter. Don't know. Anybody hear anything that way? fox 13 Rutnbuck
They knew damn well these animals were not going to stay in Wyoming and Idaho. Good job managing your wildlife, now elk deer and moose are nothing more than wolf food; AKA habitat. Somebody ought to pay these guys legal fees out of gratitude. When they find a live one the law suits will begin in earnest.
> Stupid fn Wolf.
> Thought they knew better
>then to come to Utah.
> Was told
>they r going to press
>charges against the shooter. Don't
>know. Anybody hear
>anything that way?
>fox 13

If they press charges it will be the last one ever turned in! SSS
600 miles in a year? Maybe something was chasing it? They should have just sent the collar back with a note saying, "You're welcome".

If that wolf was collared and the federal wildlife agency didn't tell people to be aware of wolves in the area, then Imo the blame lies with them. They aren't being straight with us.

If these men are charged we need to start a defense fund and also wipe out every f'n wolf in the lower 48. It was done once it can be done again.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-14 AT 02:30PM (MST)[p]Why was that wolf in Beaver and not some where further north, in Utah, before someone saw and or shot it?

Don't they collar these wolfs so they can be tracked?

I'd like to see the collar data records. (GRAMMA)

Just how fast did this wolf travel from the north to Beaver?

Maybe 80 mph?

What day?

Why Beaver and not Nephi, Manti, Delta, Oak City, Fairview, Price, Rush Valley? Why Beaver?

Oh...............hee, hee, I-70 is 30 miles north of Beaver.

Now ain't that a coincident?

Well I'll be damned, if the USF&G didn't, (about 12 years ago) without so much as a single public meeting in Utah, moved the wolf endangered species zone, from the Arizona Utah State line, north to I-70, that crosses Utah from Grand Junction Colorado and ends 30 miles north of the town of Beaver. Any wolf, found south of I-70 is now in a protected zone. Home free!

A northern wolf shot? Not a southern wolf? Not a southern wolf with hundreds of miles of a safe right of passage, but a northern wolf, a wolf subject to hundreds miles of unsafe passage, through the most decently population country between Sacramento Calif and Denver Colorado, shows up 20 minutes south of I-70. Not a southern wolf, smart enough to stop 30 miles short of I-70 but, by hell, a northern wolf smart enough to make it 30 miles inside Mecca, through all that human congestion to the north.

Imagine that!

2lumpy I believe the zone they can be killed is north of I-80 not I-70. unless I misunderstood what you were saying. I agree that is a longggggggg ways to travel without being seen by someone?????????

I hope they do not prosecute him. He should have just not reported it and that collar should be in small pieces some place far far away.
I'll bet elkun would shoot one from the Roof Top even if the DWR was watchin Him do it!

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
EASY there mt!

Us TARDS Won't let em Expand like you Guys did!:D

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-14 AT 07:00PM (MST)[p]And don't say woof. Roy hates that. Won't let em expand? Good luck with that. mtmuley
roof tops, tree tops, hell well shoot them out of the window at the fort having lunch!!law dogs be dam.....no such thing as woofs in Utah, just big coyotes ...S.S.S.!!
Hey mt!

Gonna take more than a Pet Wolf with a Collar to evade TARDS!

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
A friend of mine who was hunting on the regular rifle hunt by Minersville ran across a fellow who claimed to have seen a wolf a few days earlier. I said, "AH, he just seen a big coyote". Two months later, looks as if I was wrong. I had to call him and eat my words.

Don't put it past the WOLF people or GOVERNMENT to secretively place them in Utah.

This is not the first or second story I've heard and discounted. How many more are true? I'm just a Doubting-Thomas when it comes to these stories, but it looks as if more credence is needed. When I was in Kanab, by the Friends animal sanctuary, a person we saw out on the desert, said the same thing and that was just before the rifle hunt. I thought he had seen one of their stray dogs. Who knows fact from fiction now days.
Went out Dogging over the weekend. Spied a couple dogs 5-6 hundred yards out. Told my partner damn them are big dogs. To be continued! Maybe.
How bout it Rut?

You Guys turn yourselves in too?:D

> Went out Dogging
>over the weekend. Spied
>a couple dogs 5-6 hundred
>yards out. Told my
>partner damn them are big
>dogs. To be continued!
> Maybe.

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
i keep telling you guys that is not the the first wolf shot in utah, i know of one other that was shot in the uintas, It got the three SSS.s
Not true Horsecorn! It is evident that this Uinta's wolf incident you refer to only got two of the S's since you heard about it, and/or told us about it! The big problem with SSS is that most people can't shut up.
The decision to prosecute or not, will set the future precedence on what gets reported in the future. This seems like a no brainer to not prosecute. If they do throw the book at them, people will start to take the third S more seriously. Let the SSS wars begin.
You boys go get em. Since there are no elk and deer or moose left in Montana, Idaho or Wyoming, naturally Utah is the next buffet for wolves. And the SSS has really worked wonders in conttolling them in the aforementioned states. mtmuley
I'm tellin ya mt!

A Few 'BIG COYOTES" have entered Utah!

They must know because most of them move through Utah fairly Quickly!

If they stay any time at all they get shot!

Quite a bit of the SSS happening here also!

I Don't know 5 Big Game Hunters in the State that wouldn't Shoot one if they got the chance no matter what the Law says!

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-14 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p]Shoot em all you want. If they are coming, you won't stop them. All the SSS bravado cracks me up. And my last post was a bit sarcastic.bmtmuley
RAZZIN You mt!

I Know!

I know!

"It was a Big Coyote"!:D

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
All this Poacher talk . Lol. You might kill a few but they are smart. People read about them getting shot and it gives them hope. They are ghosts...

All you Wolf Pro's North of us?

We've had Wolves for years here in TARDville!

Can any of you SPLAIN why they haven't populated in this State?

We know elkun is Shootin everyone of them He see's but JUDAS!

Been a few in the High Uinta's forever!

Why Ain't they Populating?

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
Hunting will never eradicate the wolves. A few will always slip though. The old wolvers did not hunt them. To eradicate them from around cattle or sheep ranches. They used fresh dead animal carcass that was laced with strychnine poison. Killed the whole pack off in one meal. One way to get a bunch of bounty money from ranchers.


You can't do that kinda Crap anymore!:D

You might kill a F'N MagPie in the Process!

Or even a Utah Condor(Crow/Raven!:D)

>Hunting will never eradicate the wolves.
>A few will always slip
>though. The old wolvers did
>not hunt them. To eradicate
>them from around cattle or
>sheep ranches. They used fresh
>dead animal carcass that was
>laced with strychnine poison. Killed
>the whole pack off in
>one meal. One way to
>get a bunch of bounty
>money from ranchers.

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
>All you Wolf Pro's North of
>We've had Wolves for years here
>in TARDville!
>Can any of you SPLAIN why
>they haven't populated in this
>We know elkun is Shootin everyone
>of them He see's but
>Been a few in the High
>Uinta's forever!
>Why Ain't they Populating?
> [font

It's a bit of a different situation there in Utah,
you just have a few loners passing through for now.
But if they ever introduce them like they did in ID.WYO AND MT
or if by chance a mating pair or two whelp some pups there you guys will never be able to keep up with em.

It's just a matter of time Bobcat.
Howdy runamuk!


I just have to RAZZ You Guys!:D

Ya see!

We Ain't letting the Wolves Destroy Our Game Herds like you Guys did!:D:D:D

They wanna Plant them Here!

Lots of TARDS wantin a Wolf Pelt!:D

We've had a few for several years now!

A lot of them ended up being Big Coyotes!:D

Even though some of you say the SSS Won't work I'm sure there's some of it Happening here!

TARDville Ain't the Place unless you want them Shot!

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
Yea I figured you was just flinging up sh!t on the wall to see where'd it stick... :)

Happy new year Bess! :)
>Hunting will never eradicate the wolves.
>A few will always slip
>though. The old wolvers did
>not hunt them. To eradicate
>them from around cattle or
>sheep ranches. They used fresh
>dead animal carcass that was
>laced with strychnine poison. Killed
>the whole pack off in
>one meal. One way to
>get a bunch of bounty
>money from ranchers.

Those XXXL pelts just need a bigger Pelt stretcher.
Killing those XXXL coyotes keeps them in check for at least one more season.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Lets be honest. We have seen the pics of the dead wolf of Monte. We have heard, about the wolves in the high uintas. We then find out about a lynx they have caught. (Not the high uintas, in a pretty accessible spot). WTF do we think they were trying to trap? Damn state trapper spends a lot of time up in that country, wonder why. We have seen and heard about them in Diamond Fork. Now Beaver. They havent accupied the Manti because there ain't no deer to eat, easy answer, they starved to death. I believe they are here, I am pretty sure they would be more populous in the uintas where I hunt elk,(they are there) but like I said that damn trapper spends a lot of time there for some reason. We don't see many coyotes, and almost never a cat track.
NOW the real question is how is it possible? I KNOW for a fact that we gave BGF a pile of money to stop the wolf, so obviously the wolf was stopped. BGF and there mutant brother SFW have never taken money from the state and done zero in return. I mean look how SFW has saved the mule deer!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

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