A Winner and a Nobody?


Very Active Member
In the hunting world, I am a nobody. I am not a member of any hunting foundation, charity group, or any other organization that is involved in wildlife preservation. I attend no meetings, fundraisers, or any other hunting event that would give me a name in the hunting and wildlife community. I am not an employee of the state. No one on this forum knows my real name or would recognize me in person. I am a nobody.

My Expo drawings are as follows:

2008 - 55.00 entered and 0 tags
2009 - 50.00 entered and 0 tags
2010 - 65.00 entered and 0 tags

My state drawings are as follows

2002 - Book Cliffs any weapon deer drawn with 3 points
2005 - Book Cliffs any weapon deer drawn with 0 points (but in a group with my brother who had 6)
All the other years have been trying to get an elk tag with no success.

Im not trying to say that I should have drawn a tag by now in the Expo because I have been lucky with the state. Statistically, I cant have any realistic belief that I will draw a tag. I know that, and am totally fine with it. Ill probably keep trying.

Just out of curiosity Id like all the other nobodies, like me, to tell me if you have drawn a tag from the Expo, and how much money you entered each time. Oh, and tell us what makes you a hunting nobody.

(For anyone who is considering saying that I dont deserve a tag as much as someone who stands in a booth or sends money to these groups, save it. My five bucks is just as deserving as anyone elses money.)
If it makes ya feel better I've never drawn anything other than general tags, 1 cow tag and that still took 4 points to get. I've donated 1500 to the expo for tags, am a member of sfw and mdf and I still don't get anything and I'm ok with that. All part of hunting utah, either your lucky or you make your luck.
Lets see,I waited 8 years for an antelope, 11 years for a cow buffalo, I'm working on elk, donated 50 dollars last year at the expo, and drew a tag. I'm a nobody, have always had crappy luck through the state draw, and drew an expo tag. It's not rigged, quit wineing.
>Lets see,I waited 8 years for
>an antelope, 11 years for
>a cow buffalo, I'm working
>on elk, donated 50 dollars
>last year at the expo,
>and drew a tag. I'm
>a nobody, have always had
>crappy luck through the state
>draw, and drew an expo
>tag. It's not rigged, quit

Exactly where was I whining? Congrats on drawing your tags.
>If it makes ya feel better
>I've never drawn anything other
>than general tags, 1 cow
>tag and that still took
>4 points to get. I've
>donated 1500 to the expo
>for tags, am a member
>of sfw and mdf and
>I still don't get anything
>and I'm ok with that.
>All part of hunting utah,
>either your lucky or you
>make your luck.

Lotta money you toss in there. Id put more in if I could afford it. What do you mean by 'making your luck'?
Dedicated hunter since 1999
returned 8 tags
no DH tag for me.... yet

1996 vernon deer rifle 2 pts
2002 oquihrr/stansbury lion 2 pts
2001 ml300 (remember that?) 1 pt
2004 wasatch moose 4 pts
2007 riverbed 9 pts

roughly $200 every year = zero tags/zero prizes

I seem to have a bit of luck at banquets/fundraisers, but I don't think I come out on the + side ;)

I'll continue to contribute, no hurt feelings here :)

also, I think I'm pretty much a nobody.
I am a nobody, just ask anyone who knows me. I dropped about 70 dollars the first year and then like 120 the next and this year I dropped 135 and drew the san juan archery elk tag. I have drawn one cow elk tag in the le system and a few general tags until I went dedicated. Thats it boys.

"In the hunting world, I am a nobody. I am not a member of any hunting foundation, charity group, or any other organization that is involved in wildlife preservation."

However, you probably drive a $50,000 truck, have a huge 5th wheel trailer, and 2 ATV's, but won't pay $50.00 to belong to an organization that helps protect your right to bear arms, or provides valuable money for habitat restoration, or fights to protect your hunting and fishing heritage. Yet, there are wolf lovers and anti-hunters who give thousands of dollars a year to stop the delisting of wolves and put an end to hunting. No wonder we as hunters are in trouble.

That's my .02.

Just guessing but I think that makes a Colorado over the counter bull tag look like a pretty good deal
>"In the hunting world, I am
>a nobody. I am not
>a member of any hunting
>foundation, charity group, or any
>other organization that is involved
>in wildlife preservation."
>However, you probably drive a $50,000
>truck, have a huge 5th
>wheel trailer, and 2 ATV's,
>but won't pay $50.00 to
>belong to an organization that
>helps protect your right to
>bear arms, or provides valuable
>money for habitat restoration, or
>fights to protect your hunting
>and fishing heritage. Yet, there
>are wolf lovers and anti-hunters
>who give thousands of dollars
>a year to stop the
>delisting of wolves and put
>an end to hunting. No
>wonder we as hunters are
>in trouble.
>That's my .02.

You really want to know what I drive? I have a 99 Jetta with 130k miles on it. My wife drives a Mazda 6 that we cram 3 kids into. I dont even have a truck. I had a Ford Ranger once. I have a back pack and some great boots. I have ridden an ATV maybe 3-4 times in my life. I choose to donate my money to charities that have no paid administration. You are way off the mark my friend.
>I am a nobody, just ask
>anyone who knows me.
>I dropped about 70 dollars
>the first year and then
>like 120 the next and
>this year I dropped 135
>and drew the san juan
>archery elk tag. I
>have drawn one cow elk
>tag in the le system
>and a few general tags
>until I went dedicated.
>Thats it boys.

Thats great to hear you drew. Best of luck to you! Post some pictures from your hunt.
Sounds fun... lets see.. quite sure I haven't bought a Deer license since late 70's... killed around 40 Bucks from Spikes to Monster Bucks... not picky... in Yoda voice.. She has a LIFETIME Hunting & Fishing license you see.

Shot a Spike Bull Elk in my teens and Drew out on a Grouse Creek LE Elk with 8 Points... nice tasty 6x6.

Buffalo..9 points and waiting.
Antelope.1 point and dreaming.

Never have drawn an Expo permit... usually spend $10-$20.oo a year on the gambling... have to be realistic being disabled.

I did put in for Wyoming Elk on an Easy unit and waiting for the draw in a few days...

Overall... I'm OK.... I will get a Deer tag of my choice and a chance for three more draws on Elk and Bison and the Lope...

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-10 AT 10:04PM (MST)[p]No affiliation to SFW, other than attending the banquets.

We attend 1 banquet a year and the Expo each year.

I have won an ATV and a Browning 280 rifle at the banquets
Dad has won 2 rifles at the banquets
I drew Cow Bison at the 08 Expo
Dad drew any weapon Nebo elk at the 09 Expo
I drew Pilot Mountain LE elk in 88
Dad drew Cache Moose in 87
Dad drew 2 LE antelope tags in the 80's
I drew LE elk Cache South Muzz 05
Dad drew Grouse Creek LE Elk in 98
Dad drew Meadowville Muzz Elk in 2006
Dad drew CWMU deer in 04
And between my son, me, and my dad, we have drawn 4
turkey tags.

Sounds like a conspiracy lol...
That's my .02.

Sounds like your assumptions are not worth what we paid for them.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Making my own luck... By busting my butt in general areas to harvest a respectable animal. If I'm not able to draw the tags I'd love to get I might make good fortune with what I do get.
I am not a member of SFW, but do belong to Utah's 2 bowhunting organizations (BOU and UBA) and have been fairly active with DWR projects, RAC Meetings, etc, but I am definitely a nobody. Despite being fairly outspoken about the obscene # of tags Utah allows conservation groups to auction off (SFW leading the charge with this), our family has managed to draw 3 Expo tags in the 4 years the expo has been held. I am quite certain the expo drawing is not rigged as we have not slipped any extra money in our apps or done any favors for anybody :)

I have also had some fairly good luck getting tags in other ways as well:

OIL Ogden Moose tag in 2000 with ZERO points
Dedicated Hunter Paunsaugunt Archery Deer tag in 2003
Expo Wasatch Early Rifle Elk tag in 2009
Sitting on 11 elk points, 9 RM Bighorn Sheep points, and 7 Bear points so hopefully that will yield me a few more good tags soon as well.

Brother drew Expo Wasatch Archery Elk tag in 2007
Dad drew Expo Book Cliffs Archery Deer tag this year

I don't like or agree with the way tags are handled in Utah for the most part, but I love hunting too much to not play the game or the hand that is dealt to me. By doing so I have found some luck in the drawings, and on the years I don't draw a good tag I make the most of my opportunities on general hunts or going out of state and always have a good time!
GM, You want a nobody? I'll give you a nobody. Actually, as a nonresident I am even below the level of nobody to Don Peay.

I have never lost a raffle at the SLC Expo because I have never entered, nor ever will. You see even if I did have the time and money to take off work and fly out there, I do not believe in the fundamental principals behind the permit theft. And I am not going to support the system by being a part of it.

As an outsider looking in, with no horse in the race, I do think it is totally unethical for organizers to be allowed to enter the raffle. However, I'm not at all surprised it's allowed given the proven track record of SFW.

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