A Video worth Watching and passing along this time of Year

jeezus....I didn't need to see that.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-10 AT 09:09AM (MST)[p] Everyone should watch that! Unfortunately there's those out there who seem to think they can handle driving under the influence. I wish they weren't that way. I have a neighbor who killed one of his friends DUI. Of course it changed his life forever.
>My thought is that none of
>want to see it, but
>we all probably need to
>see it. Just my

Amen, caelkhnter, amen! If you only save one life......

WOW!!! The shot of the little boy near the end made me tear up. I have a three year old son. I can't imagine going through that.
Traditional only >>>------->
Better take another look at this video as we drive from the left side of car and not right side as in vid.
Still well made video and eye opener.

Think before you drink. Life does not come with any 'do-overs.' Most common famous last words....

I only had two beers.

I would never drive drunk.

I thought I was ok to drive.

I'm not a criminal.

I'm the designated driver.

Why don't you go arrest 'the real' criminals.

I was only driving a couple blocks.

I'm almost home.

I never meant to kill anyone.
Oh...one more thing. Many drunk drivers are right. Not everyone who gets hit by a drunk driver dies.



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