A very good wolf !!



LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-08 AT 05:25PM (MST)[p]Southern Idaho


>I love wolf pictures, the deader
>the better.

LMAO....how would you like to arm rastle one of those big bast..ds?

Holy crap that is HUGE! Are most wolves of that size? Here in NM they said the wolves are a bit larger than coyotes but most our dogs here are not real big at all so I figured the wolves were barely bigger.Holy crudd!
Whats the story behind it? Who shot it and what made it legal? To bad they can't do that to all of them.
Supposedly the first two pictures were taken a couple of miles behind my inlaws house. The last few years the wolves have been thick. Word I'm hearing is that the gov't is doing some culling. Makes sense, I have seen no tracks lately, even though the elk are down, and the local ranchers are still complaining about the coyotes. Usually right now I am hearing about what the wolves are doing to the cattle.
Thats one hell of a big Dog! I hope to be able to harvest a big bad Black one someday, hopefully legally lol.

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