A step-by-step fowl creation...


Long Time Member
...for last night's repast. Each photo has a description of that step.

Boil a bunch of diced potatoes...

Dice a boneless chicken breast, red onions, jalapeno pepper & garlic cloves, add 2 tbsp. of tomato paste, 1/8 cup of red wine & parsley flakes, then sauté until the chicken is done. Remove from heat.

Note: I would have added mushrooms but didn't have any in the house. You can also sub regular green/red pepper for the jalapeno.

Mash the boiled taters, then add some milk, sour cream, parsley flakes & mozzarella cheese. Prepare a roasting dish or pan with a light coat of olive oil. Put a dash of the oil on your hands (rubber gloves work best!) before rolling a handful of the tater mix into a ball. The oil keeps the taters from sticking to your hands & also will help brown them in the next step. Place each ball on the tray. Use the base of glass with some oil to form the pocket in the tater balls. Bake at 375 for 30 mins.


This is what they look like after baking...


Next, fill the cavities with the chicken mix to heaping...


Then cover each one with a generous amount of mozzarella cheese & bake for 10 mins. at 375.


All you need to do in this step is make sure the cheese melts & warms the whole thing. Sprinkle with parsley flakes or fresh parsley to serve.

Add a nice mixed salad with avocado, a glass of wine, & you're good to go.


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