
Long Time Member
Seems As They Have All 3 CLAMMED UP!

Gonna Play This One Again!

Maybe Somebody Should Have Listened?

Now We All Oughta Feel Just A Little Bit Guilty!

When We Look In To The Eyes Of Our Kids!

Brothers It's a Fact!

If We Take & Don't Put Back!

They'll Have To Pay For All We Did!


You Can Add the Mule Deer Herd In To The Meaning as Well!

Most Won't & Don't Look As Far As Tomorrow Morning!

Cannot agree more.

Can't wait for you to put that tag back, dont make your kids pay for your greed!!

Can't tell you how excited I am for that video.

Expecting a Michael Jackson dance routine, then maybe Edward Scissor hands can moonwalk in and cut that tag!!

Come on. Pass that chance on to the next generation, EXACTLY how Randy sings it.
There's The DEVIL!

Where You Been hossy?

Hope You're Doing Well!

You're Gonna Be Alot Less F'N Excited When You Have To Get Your CheckBook Out!

Cannot agree more.

Can't wait for you to put that tag back, dont make your kids pay for your greed!!

Can't tell you how excited I am for that video.

Expecting a Michael Jackson dance routine, then maybe Edward Scissor hands can moonwalk in and cut that tag!!

Come on. Pass that chance on to the next generation, EXACTLY how Randy sings it.
Seems As They Have All 3 CLAMMED UP!

Gonna Play This One Again!

Maybe Somebody Should Have Listened?

Now We All Oughta Feel Just A Little Bit Guilty!

When We Look In To The Eyes Of Our Kids!

Brothers It's a Fact!

If We Take & Don't Put Back!

They'll Have To Pay For All We Did!


You Can Add the Mule Deer Herd In To The Meaning as Well!

Most Won't & Don't Look As Far As Tomorrow Morning!

I do believe that was the beginning of the end of Alabama as we knew them
Seems As They Have All 3 CLAMMED UP!

Gonna Play This One Again!

Maybe Somebody Should Have Listened?

Now We All Oughta Feel Just A Little Bit Guilty!

When We Look In To The Eyes Of Our Kids!

Brothers It's a Fact!

If We Take & Don't Put Back!

They'll Have To Pay For All We Did!


You Can Add the Mule Deer Herd In To The Meaning as Well!

Most Won't & Don't Look As Far As Tomorrow Morning!

Who, what are the three?
It looks like a Elkster overdosed on DEW again last night and started posting his favorite CMT videos. What about Kenny Rogers? I was raised on a 8-track tape of Kenny’s Greatest Hits in the early 80s.

For the 1,000th time, I have no problem with the DWR making management decisions and cutting tags based upon sound biological reasons. What I don’t approve of, however, is the WB ignoring the DWR’s recommendations and cutting tags to satisfy the guides, outfitters, LL holders and the trophy hunting crowd. Or better yet, “to send a message” to the legislature and the hunting public. Do what is biologically necessary to protect and grow our deer herds not what is theoretically necessary to help a bunch of retired road hunters see herds of 4x4s in their fields like they did in the 60s and 70s. Is there a song that conveys that message?

Well hawky!

You've Got The KING Mentioned in There!:D

So hawky?

Let Me Ask You?

What Good Is The DWR If The WB Over-Rules Them?

I'm Not Saying/Asking That To Be RUDE!

Just Looking For Answers That Make Sense!

It looks like a Elkster overdosed on DEW again last night and started posting his favorite CMT videos. What about Kenny Rogers? I was raised on a 8-track tape of Kenny’s Greatest Hits in the early 80s.

For the 1,000th time, I have no problem with the DWR making management decisions and cutting tags based upon sound biological reasons. What I don’t approve of, however, is the WB ignoring the DWR’s recommendations and cutting tags to satisfy the guides, outfitters, LL holders and the trophy hunting crowd. Or better yet, “to send a message” to the legislature and the hunting public. Do what is biologically necessary to protect and grow our deer herds not what is theoretically necessary to help a bunch of retired road hunters see herds of 4x4s in their fields like they did in the 60s and 70s. Is there a song that conveys that message?

Well hawky!

You've Got The KING Mentioned in There!:D

So hawky?

Let Me Ask You?

What Good Is The DWR If The WB Over-Rules Them?

I'm Not Saying/Asking That To Be RUDE!

Just Looking For Answers That Make Sense!

Because if you allow biologists to just do biology, that doesn't bode well for corporate hunting or special interest groups. Therefore you take the biologists and make them subject to political hacks to keep the lobby's happy.

Case in point, baiting. The division wanted it ended. They had studies showing ill affects. They had tried getting it ended more than once. But baiting was a money maker for Heaton, Doyle, etc so the WB made sure to overlook the biology for the $$. We would still have piles of apples all over the state if it wasn't for that pesky legislator who listened to the DWR, and not the $$ interests.

That's what's so stupid about all the greed and money posts from you and Muley. The greed is in the WB. That's ultimately what they are there to protect. Notice there wasn't "conservation" tags cut in a winter kill year. Not were there big cuts to CWMU, Heaton is only worried about deer outside of his budget.
What Good Is The DWR If The WB Over-Rules Them?

Elkster, sober up and read my post again . . . SLOWLY this time.

Who did I take issue with for ignoring biology and caving to political pressure and special interests? I’ve been preaching for years that the system here in Utah is really messed up, and special interest groups, guides, outfitters and landowners have far too much control over wildlife management decisions.

EASY There hawky!

I Wasn't Arguing with You!

Elkster, sober up and read my post again . . . SLOWLY this time.

Who did I take issue with for ignoring biology and caving to political pressure and special interests? I’ve been preaching for years that the system here in Utah is really messed up, and special interest groups, guides, outfitters and landowners have far too much control over wildlife management decisions.

Bessy, we are good. I’m just prepping myself for the ride that is going to take place this fall. ?

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Wild West Outfitters

Hunt the big bulls, bucks, bear and cats in southern Utah. Your hunt of a lifetime awaits.

J & J Outfitters

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Shane Scott Outfitting

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Utah Big Game Outfitters

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Apex Outfitters

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Allout Guiding & Outfitting

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Lickity Split Outfitters

General season and LE fully guided hunts for mule deer, elk, moose, antelope, lion, turkey, bear and coyotes.

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