A sad day


Long Time Member
I had to put my 15.75 year old GWP down today. She hadn't eaten in a week. That dog had so much heart. Just Monday my wife took the dogs for a walk up the mountain. It's 3.6 miles round trip. And although she wasn't invited, she tagged along. My wife said she struggled the entire way but that's one of the things she enjoyed most in life. About the only time she got out of bed in the last week.

Some of you may remember my mountain lion story? She's the one that treed that cat back in 2002. Anyways, I'll always have fond memories. And with 2 youngsters now, the pain is not so bad.
Sorry to hear about your dog. We had to put our dog down this year and it was just about the hardest thing I ever did. A dog becomes part of the family and they are devoted to their humans. I understand what you are going through.
That sucks man...Putting pets down is never easy...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Always tough to lose an old friend...dogs included. My regards!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I feel your pain. It is hard to deal with.

As I type, my 15 year old choc lab is laying on my feet. She has been hunting pretty hard this season and I actually didn't expect her to survive LAST season.

We will go out again this AM and she will hunt with my 5 year old Britt....sort of.

I hope she just tips over while hunting....the older I get, the idea of having her be put down by the vet is not easy to contemplate.

Sorry to hijack your thread......

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
It's always hard to lose an animal you have enjoyed so many times with. Sorry for you loss, hang on to the memories.
Put down my 17 year old Yellow Lab a few years back and it was the toughest thing I've ever done. Sorry for your loss and give it a little time then add a puppy, it will help.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
I feel for you as it's a sad thing to have to give them up.

Pets bring so much happiness to our lives and they become family. I had to put down our 15 year old Aussie 4 years ago and it still tears me up when I think about that day.
Thanks everyone. Nickman, I'm with you. I hope I go that way too.

I was responding to Shummy's PM when it hit me, Cleo actually was the reason I had a big change in my life. I was a waterfowl hunter since I was 9 years old, growing up in Sacto, 45-60 days a year through my teens and 20s. But I always had a pointer since i was 12. Used them for pheasants one month a year and then they were just family pets the rest of the year.

When Cleo was about 5 I realized i'd only hunted her about 25 times in her life since i was always hunting ducks or geese. I told myself I was going to do more upland. The last 7 years of her life I never even bought duck stamps. In hindsight, I wish I'd done that sooner but the moral of the story is, she was the reason I hunt chukar and quail exclusively.
Sorry to hear of it, Slayer. I love my 14 year old Viszla about 9 months ago. He went in his sleep so it saved us some heartache. You had a tough road in putting yours down. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. We got a new Viszla pup in September. It's good to have another dog. I still call him by my old dogs name sometimes. Just habit....

Don't leave your keys in your car or it WILL get stolen. :(
Sorry to read about your loss. This is the toughest thing for so many of us. I lost my black lab about 1 1/2 years ago, and still don't have a replacement dog, as I've been using a buddies yellow lab when I hunt. Still, I need to get myself another lab, soon.

Hang in there, remember the great hunts to shared and go get another dog when you're ready. That's the best thing you can do.
Maybe I'm selfish but i got a replacement GWP when Cleo was 13. She didn't work out, maybe my fault. Then i got a male GSP when she was 14. he's a beast. They hunted together a few times. I tried to get a photo of one pointing and the other honoring BUT I was too slow. And after she went by him those late season chukars don't hold too long.

And i have a female GSP I named "Cleo." i asked my wife if it was morbid to name a second dog the same when she was still alive. She never gave me a straight answer so the rest is history. Old Cleo was deaf so it didn't really matter.

The pup has tons of potential since she got over her gunshyness. And she's cute as heII. I'm bet she never trees a montain lion thought.

Thanks everyone for your condolences.
Hey Brother,
Sorry to hear about Cleo. I always liked her, She was a great dog. I wish God would have created dogs and horses to be our life-long partners as it hurts like hell when you have to say goodbye to them.

Later Bro.


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