A really, really tender...


Long Time Member
...rib steak with peppercorn sauce, Texas fries & green beans last night. I told my bride that rib steaks should be the only ones we buy in the future. This one was more flavorful & tender than the filets we've been eating. A glass of Berringer's red zinfandel washed it all down.

I tried something with the fries, & they turned out really good. I put a large whole Russet in one of those padded bags for baking taters in a microwave & nuked it for 1/2 the time I would use to fully bake it. Then I sliced it as shown & finished the fries to a golden brown in the deep fryer at 375 deg.


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You're out of my price range now....still cheaper than crab though, probably.
It's likely to be a bit more now with the recent inflation in the beef market, but when the prime rib roasts go on sale for holidays, we often get them for less than $5 per lb. I don't remember which one it was, but some chain here had them for $7 per just before Thanksgiving.
I hate you guys. I can’t justify spending 17 a lb up here for it. Not to mention there’s not much room in my freezer cuz of all the halibut, salmon, crab, and shrimp ?

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