A really long drive home

What happened is that Nebraska finally played against some real competition this year! Look at their schedule up to that point - some real tough guys: Western Kentucky, Idaho, Washington, South Dakota State (who played them very tough and it was a tight game up to the end of the 4th quarter - they are an FCS or D1AA team) and Kansas State. So besides KSU and Washington, not really any challenges. I am not saying Nebraska is not a good team - they are, just not a #5 team.

It boils down to this- Nebraska isn't as good as everyone thought they were and Texas isn't as bad as everyone thought either. The two losses to Oklahoma UCLA were filled with lots of mental errors and mistakes and both games were "woulda, shoulda, coulda" games where Texas beat themselves with penalties, fumbles and lackluster effort. They walked away from both games feeling like they cheated themselves - not that they had been beaten by a better team.

Oklahoma better watch out too, they are setting themselves up for another BCS Bowl loss.

This won't be Nebraska's only Big XII loss this season either.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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