A proud father

Damn web controls at work wont let me open the link but tell him awesome job whoopin some ass!! I use to race those and dirtbikes but then I got way to tall for em lol...

Congrat's to the boy...


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Yea, he and I went up tuesday morning and saw 15 elk, over 50 deer, but only 2 bucks. 1 was a 150's 4x4 and a dink 2x3. Not much rutting going on and the bigger ones haven't dropped outta the higher country yet but hopefully we'll get some weather and with the moon going away it should get a lot better pretty quick!!

After a bull or any elk?? We only saw cows and calves but they were in the exact same spot I located them on Saturday morning too...if you want a location pm me. I'm just after a nice buck.

That is pretty impressive, Congrats!

Success is failure that tried one more time
Whooo hoooo!!! Way to go lil' Rug!

That is awesome. Growing up the neighbor kids around the corner from us raced BMX and did great. It is a tough sport! Cudos to you and your family!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Rug, what kind of dad are you? Get him something with a motor on it! j/k. Good job, young man!

Rug, atta boy dad! Nothing wrong with being a proud Papa. My hats off the the young man. Congrats to both of you!! :)

Congrats to the boy. BMX is tough and really takes some skills. I hope you encourage him to keep at it.

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