A politician with balls!



Long Island Lawmaker Calls Michael Jackson a ?Lowlife?
United States Representative Peter T. King, a Republican from Long Island, condemned Michael Jackson this week as a ?lowlife? and ?child molester? who does not deserve the public adulation he has received since his death last month.

Mr. King also criticized public figures who have praised Mr. Jackson, who died on June 25, saying they ?have made fools of themselves by talking about Michael Jackson like he's some kind of hero.?

Mr. King, who is considering a run for United States Senate next year, made the comments in a video that his campaign made on Sunday in front of an American Legion hall in Wantagh, N.Y., after he attended Fourth of July celebrations, his office said.

In the video, Mr. King described how he had been reminded of the sacrifice that firefighters, police officers, military personnel and other Americans have made on behalf of the country, ?none of who really get much credit.?

?Yet for the last ? I don't know for how long now ? this lowlife, Michael Jackson ? his name, his face, his picture ? is all over the newspapers, television, radio,? Mr. King said. ?All we hear about is Michael Jackson.?

?Let's knock out the psychobabble,? he continued. ?This guy was a pervert, was a child molester. He was a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what's it say about us, our country??

In 2003, Mr. Jackson was indicted on child-molesting charges.

A young cancer patient claimed the singer had befriended him and then groped him at his Neverland estate near Santa Barbara, Calif. He was acquitted of all the charges.

At one point in the video, Mr. King said that the news media had ?disgraced itself,? an apparent reference to the extensive coverage devoted to Mr. Jackson since his death. ?There?s nothing good about this guy,? he said. ?He may have been a good singer, dancer. But the bottom line is: Would you let your child or grandchild be in the same room with Michael Jackson? What are we glorifying him for??

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A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Probably to most likely, you watch - Al , Jesse and the NAACP Posse will be all over him.

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A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
He was correct in most of his statements. He did however end his career in politics, its sad that one cannot speak their mind in this country and not be shot down because of it. Too many liberal bastards.
If he moves to Idaho, we'd vote for that point of view.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
They'd run him out of town but.....re-elect crack-smokin' Marion Berry!! Frickin' ridiculous!!

"Larry Craig is now accepting applications from interns. Just slide your resume under the stall." --David Letterman
Its just sad that now in America we have freedom of speech, as long as its politically correct. You can speek your mind, as long as its was the news media wants you to say. To me Michael Jackson was nothing more than an unconvicted pedofile who could sing and dance.
>"Larry Craig is now accepting applications
>from interns. Just slide your
>resume under the stall." --David

no doubt you've sent yours in....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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