A perfect season?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-08 AT 07:05AM (MST)[p]Which is more likely? The Titans finishing the regular season a perfect 16-0 or
the Lions finishing the season a perfect 0-16?
im not a big football fan except for LSU, but living in TN now i think detroit will win atleast 1 game. if tn can beat the jets they may GO ALL THE WAY
I would have to believe some team is going to take the Lions to lightly and they will win a game aned it would not surprise me if it was a team they have no business even being on the same field with but as they say on any given Sunday.. And I hope TN does go the distance, I am not a Titan fan but they play damn good Sunday football.. I am a die hard college football fan and of course it's USC that is my favorite. I am very partial to the Trojans.

Leaving this morning for South Dakota on a muley hunt.. FINALLY it's time.. so.. until next week.. take care all.


"Only Two Things are Infinite" -
The universe and human stupidity and I'm not so certain about the universe.

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