A Must View Video


How can you refute this???.....

Take 3 minutes to view this video and then send the link around the world. View it full screen so you can see the names and dates (should anyone not know who they are).


The most despicable acts of deceit ongoing in this country... are the lies and hypocrisy... perpetrated by the people seen in this short video. The next time you hear the expression "Bush's war"remember this video !!!

And note that there is no "opinion," just their own words!

I have shown this video here many times. It only matters to folks on the right. The lefty nuts like Hdude, Piper, Zigga, Tfinal and the rest could give a rats azz about this. They will come on here and explain it away like so much of their hypocrisy we point out here day in and day out. Thes folks with Bush Derangement Syndrome are unable to comprehend this. Then you couple that with the New messiah B. Husien Obama and the spell he has cast on them and all this factual stuff suddenly means nothing.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Very good stuff. I will be forwarding it on to all on my mailing list which includes some fence sitters....so....keep it coming...
Isn't it amazing how quickly an ugly baby gets dropped!

The 2002 stuff will be written off as "Bush duped us", but the 1998 stuff was awesome. I'm sure some will find a way to say Bush set it up when he was Governor of Texas!

I can't remember exactly what I wrote the first 4 times I responded to this video but search it and post it for me again. You guys are always in the land of "what-ifs" instead of living in the real world. Stop the finger-pointing, it's not solving any problems. Does this video really take w off the hook? Did w find the exit strategy yet or is it still blowing in the wind? Hey, maybe that's why George Sr. and Billy didn't take out Sadam. No exit strategy. Your boy w is left holding the bag. That's a shame.
You see guys, I told you

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)

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