
Long Time Member
45 and I sat down last night, and watched a true story of a fallen Marine, Its called Taking Chance, It was one of the most eye opening movies I have watched in awhile...

Has anyone else watched it???
Very good show. Also very clean - hardly any swearing at all as it wasn't necessary to tell the story. This is a show you should watch with your family. It will give you a chance to talk to your kids about some pretty important things relating to our freedom.

The movie was produced by HBO and wasn't widely released in theaters and has been mainly released on DVD, so you may not have heard about it. The main actor in the film is Kevin Bacon and it was well acted and well produced.

Great family film.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 11:35AM (MST)[p]I have to agree Roy.

And Kevin Bacon did an amazing job in his role.
Really good on all accounts.

FYI --- another film comes out on DVD next Tues., Jan. 12th, "Hurt Locker." Missed it in the theatres. Based on the Army's EOD teams in Iraq. Supposed to be 1st rate. Those guys are REAL heroes ...


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 06:06PM (MST)[p]It is a good movie. Kind of hard to watch after having performed similar duties. I would definatley recommend it for a family film. Like most have said it is very clean.

If you want to watch something to get a real life scenerio look at combat I would recommend watching Generation Kill. That series is by far the most accurate portrayal of what I have experienced.

Hunting is my way of life
Sgt. Petersen

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