A must see video!

Please quit posting links that my office filters wont allow!!! please i beg you, everytime i click a link the screen turns red( thats when i know i've missed something GOOD) and i get booted out of the system. leaving me to re-connect and log in again and again.
I really dont expect sympathy, just a description of what i'm missing
dude i can't explain it but send me email and i'll send it to you so you can watch it?....
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-08 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]Wouldn't work that way either manny, same computer, same filters!!! trunk mokeys are funny! thanks thought.

but it let me link right to thr UTUBE site....Damn i hate being at work...kinda. thanks again

That is so cool! Id like to try!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
It seems like I saw one similar where the guy got too close and clipped the road.

Screw that!
That's awesome! But...I would rather spend my money on a mule deer hunting trip. If I had my rathers...

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