A Must Read and Watch.............


Regardless of your political convictions, everyone
needs to see this video and decide for yourself.

Folks, watch this if you want to see something TRUE and VERY FRIGHTENING!

Here's a video about the Clintons that will blow your socks off, literally.

You may not be able to get this on the Internet very long,
so you better look at it and send it to others before it gets pulled.

Hmmm! Crooked bastages, I wonder why this surfaced at this particular point in time and why the Bush appointed judicial system hasn't done anything about it. I saw actual footage of BIG FOOT on the internet as well!

Kilo ... have d13r send you the video of the Bloomin' Onion it's not as well scripted but more realistic!

Wow this looks way more serious than firing judges for political reasons, outing CIA agents and fabricating evidence to start a war.

Hillary is toast anyway so this little documentry was for nothing, Obama fixed her wagon better than the republicans could have. she probably figured when she got elected she could ignore subpeonas and use excecutive privilege like Bush to side step little problems.

I'm just shocked any polititian would be crooked, this is some big news here I sure hope nothing like this has ever happened before.
Even with the economy in the tank Hillary managed to raise over $35 million during the month of February alone. Mostly from "the internet". Probably from lots of Chinese bus boys.

I expect Peter Paul to die in an accident or commit suicide in the near future.

Sooo, now that brings up an interesting question. How much of that 35 mil does Hil get to keep? I mean can she say my salary is 34.9 mil a month. OOPS guess I'm going to loose so I'll just go back to being a senator from NY. Goodness, no wonder Huckabee & Ron Paul are hanging in there.

This has been around for quite a while so I think it will still be around. Pretty eye opening stuff.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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