A little help Utah!!!


Very Active Member
Your brothers in other states could use your help. Right now Utah offers Non resident CCW'S that allow non residents the right to carry in Utah and all the states it has reciprocity with.


This jackwad Curtis Oda has introduced a bill that would not allow a non resident who does'nt have a permit in his home state to recieve a Utah CCW. In states like Ca we have what is called "Shall Issue" CCW's which basically means its up to a county sheriff or police chief to decide if you have a good enough reason for a CCW. In the more urban areas its almost non existent for the average citizen to get a permit.
Please call your state reps and legislators and tell them this would be a huge infringment on your fellow americans rights and also would result in a HUGE revenue loss to your state. I'm not sure of the actuall dollar amount but I can tell you that non resident training classes are packed...It has to be a large sum of money Utah stands to lose. Thanks

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
It is a double edged sword of sorts. Several states have faltered on honoring Utah CCW's because the state issues them so liberally. The point in Oda's bill is to enact a stop loss in this problem. Curt Oda is possibly one of the strongest proponents of 2nd amendment rights. The piggyback out of state thing is/was great until other states abandon reciprocity because in their view we pass them out like candy.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-11 AT 10:11PM (MST)[p]You've only lost Nevada Cous. And that was because you guys dont require permit holders to qualify with there weapon. I can go to Nevada and get a permit from them just as easy as Utah since they are shall issue state....I just have to qualify with my weapon...no big deal. Maybe they just are getting tired of you guys getting such a big piece of the pie.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Yeah that is true but I think that is the angle being played. Point is Oda is ridiculed as being a far right nut job in the Utah legislature which is hard to do. His intentions are always very conservative. He is the only state legislator who probably has more pieces on him at any one time than I carry to work. He is one district to the East out of mine. I will ask him about it next chance I get.

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