'a kind soul?'....



is there one among you? i need some help, if you would be so kind, please...would like to go to wyoming and hunt antelope. have never done so, and probably only will do so, once...would like to taste one, and 'put one on the wall'...
as a non-resident, what area should i put in for, so's as to have a good chance at drawing on public land? am definitely not looking for a a 'book buck', just something legitimate...in return, i will give you all my knowledge on...well, never mind that part, as i don't have much knowledge on anything...whatever help you can give this 'washingtonian' would be much appreciated...thank you...
sent you a "pm". I'm from WA too, hopefully the WYoming guys and gals will give you some more info as well. Good Luck!
Sounds like the same hunt I was looking for a couple of years ago. I sent you a private message with some info for you.


Look at areas 93,94,95, and 100. Lots of animals and public land to chase them on. You shouldn't have a hard time locating a 14-15" buck. Hunt them the first week of October and the hunting pressure will be almost zero, as most everyone hunts the first two weeks of the season. Get in on the ground floor for this year's preference points, and you'll draw that tag in no time. Best of luck to you!
Gentry....I've been fortunate enough to have gone back there and take an antelope the last two years. Both times I've hunted between Gillette and Douglas. Miles and miles of wide open sagebrush country, with more antelope than you could imagine. Lots of private land, but also BLM land around there. A lot of those landowners may only charge a small trespass fee to hunt their property....I've heard as low as $25 in some cases. I would highly recommend any of the units in the 20's....great, great hunt.

Also, unless your dead set on WY., you could try Eastern MT. Area 700 has a ton of non-resi tags available and your odds would be great on drawing your first year. A lot of good areas from Jordan to Glendive down towards Miles City. I took my first antelope back there a coupla' years ago, and would definately recommend that as an option as well.

Good Luck....you can always PM me or emial if you want.

BTW....your contributions to the site are more than enough! :)
hey, thank you to each one of you..will 'look at all options'....sent each of you an e-mail with pic....hope you enjoy. except you, tom....you're a scoundrel...just kiddin...thanks you guys..
I'll second the eastern Montana thing.
I've taken a few antelope there including my 16" buck.
I hunted out of Jordan.


If you don't find what you need, I would gladly help you out just accross the border in South Dakota. I shot my speedgoat there last year. Never realized just how abundant they were. If some of these fellas are smart, they will take you out, and help you fill your goal just to say thank you for all the elk pics you post. I know I would.
Eastern Montana is a fun place to hunt. A lot of Antelope and not that hard to draw a tag. Last year was my first time hunting them. I shot a 13' antelope with 6 1/2" prongs the first day out. Next time I will know how to judge them. Kind of hard to tell how big they are.



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