
Happy Mermorial Day! This is one of my favorite tribute songs to our service men and women. I want to thanks those past present and future who serve our country. Not only those who serve but also to the families of them.

God Bless our service men and women. Their heroism and sacrifices will always be remembered by a grateful nation.

+1 Thanks to all the men and women that are serving and have served and especially remember the ones that gave their lives this memorial day.
The sacrifices our men and women in uniform make can never be repaid. God bless and watch over them and their families.

26 years USAF Retired
Thank you to those that gave some and those that gave all..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
+1 to all the previous comments, 11 year Air Force veteran here.
X1000!! Without them and their sacrifice we are nothing.

Thank you to all who serve.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
+1. Rest in Peace, Brothers! You will NEVER be forgotten.

10th Mountain, Light Infantry.

I was in the Army infantry in Viet Nam I think I was Kilowatts replacement.When I got there they were out of booze and the women had dyed red hair and were scared of you.
Ex Army and my flag has been out all day. IMO this one of the most important holidays all year.
Mrs. PleaseDear is ex -- Army..

She had the flag out way early and all day long even in the mix of rain/sleet/hail....and some sun.

LAST EDITED ON May-30-11 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]Many Thanks To All You Service Men And Womem Past And Presant Your Sacrifices Are Deeply Appreciated For Keeping This Country Free Thank You Very Much.Now If we Here On The Home Front Will Keep Up The Fight To Keep It Free.
Today I was at a Car Show most of the day and at NOON they gave a tribute and prayer for this day.
There was a dad and his teenage son just over a few feet away and his son did not take his ball cap off, so I spoke to the dad and told him to have his son remove his cap like the others around had done.....he just gave me a bad look and whispered to his kid to take the cap off. The kid did and then they left and gone somewhere else.
For a minute I thought I might be going to "fist city" but think the dad realized he was outnumbered and left after the music stopped.

Oh Devlin, sorry for the loose women and no booze but with the years I spent over there what else can I say but SORRY PAL, first come, first serve.....LOL

Kilo good for you and shame on the father for not being respectful or teaching his son. It sounds like maybe he did not have much respect anyhow. Hope you had a good time at the care show!!
My heroes...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
We had a great turn-out for our Memorial day service yesterday even in the snowy-rainy weather...and I enjoyed the Memorial Day Parade in Washington D.C. that was televised..during the moment of silence,wouldn't you know it someone called the house...needless to say I didn't answer the phone...
Thanks for posting, Ruggie!I'd not seen this video...awesome tribute for Memorial Day!
I was fortunate to have been one of the lucky grunts who "gave some" and was able to fulfill some of my dreams, expectations, and ambitions...43 years ago now!

1/22nd Inf Regt. "Regulars,By God!"/ 4th Inf Div. Pleiku, RVN '67-'68.
6/1st Armored Cav. Regt./2nd Armored Division. Ft. Hood,TX '68.

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