A Holiday Favorite

JB - if you keep that up you will hit 10K by the end of next week!

Good post Jenn - but these two more accurately reflect the crowd here on MM:

Merry Christmas to all! Yeah - its starting to feel like that time of year again!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
i don't know, might rather see another shot of you in the kitchen with that turkey. That was you...wasn't it? Happy holidays!!Joey
Jenn and Roy, those are classic, but Christmas will never be the same after Roy posted the link to Twisted Sister rendition of "Oh Come all Ye Faithful" last year!

Post that again, would you Roy?:)


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Great reply, thanks for sharing!!!

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

^^^^ STILL THERE ^^^^
"i use to be a choir boy."

Feleno, is it true they spoon your nuts out when you are 8 years old so you can sing soprano for the rest of your life??

"Feleno, is it true they spoon your nuts out when you are 8 years old so you can sing soprano for the rest of your life??"

Close. they wrap em tightly in duct tape then pull as far back into your buttcrack as they'll go. you walk funny for a little while but you get use to it.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-08 AT 11:16PM (MST)[p]Here ya go, Eel!

Here it is in a light show...

My kid's garage band....

And a montage of Christmas Rock songs! Wohoo!
Yeah - thanks Jenn and Eel - I had forgotten about that one!
Love Dee Snider!

Though that last medley was crappy.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Yeah - thanks Jenn and Eel
>- I had forgotten about
>that one!
>Love Dee Snider!
>Though that last medley was crappy.
Oh sorry I ruined the majesty of Dee Snider screaming "O Come All Ye Faithful", Roy. I hope your holidays suck now as a result of hearing that crappy montage of Christmas rock songs. lol

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