A few Timp sheep left.......Pic's.


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-09 AT 06:49AM (MST)[p]I ran into a few sheep on Timp last week,,4 rams and 20 ewes.
Heres a few pictures.






Thanks for the report Goofyelk,
I am glad to see that all the sheep have not died. That whole story saddens me because I had such high hopes having a herd of Rockys in my back yard. During the winter of 2005 my son and I spent a lot of time watching that herd and between Provo peak and AF canyon we saw at least a hundred sheep and at least eight Class 4 rams. I have read that if you can't keep sheep numbers up to about 30 or so, they will eventually off. I hope that does not happen.
Was this ram you have in the picture the biggest you saw?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-09 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p]My son just corrected me with my numbers. Apparently studies show that when sheep numbers drop blow 100 in a herd unit (instead of 30), they have a hard time sustaining the herd and eventually die off. My bad!
I sure hope that doesn't happen here! Sweet pics.
Were the sheep more in the north part of the unit or on Timp?
the biolgists grad students had counted upwards of 20 lambs on timp in August.

were many of the Ewes counted "lambs"

that is the KEY indicator if this herd is going to survive.

there is suppose to be around 50 sheep total on timp.

thanks for the pics.

look forward to seeing an answer on lamb counts, or more pics of the Ewes to see the lamb count


We were bored with watching football today, so we went for a ride this afternoon to look for sheep on the Timp herd. We found two different bands. One herd had 14 sheep with what looked like 10 ewes, three lambs and a 5 year old ram. The other band had one ewe and two lambs also with a 5 year old ram running with them. So for what it is worth Don, it appears that a few of the lambs are making it through the winter.
Thanks Rick,

can you give me your phone number in a email, i want to discuss some options with you on your sheep hunt

thanks for the udate, hopefully this herd can hold on, and actually take of


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