a few more...



i ain't quite done yet...



it was last year's 'model', but i keep'em all...

remember the 'odd-ball' 3? here is this year's and last year's together...they grew 'sideways' out of his head...

this year's is on the right side..

one of my favorites from this year...unfortunately, no match...

a few more good singles from this season...

a few smaller 'sets' from this year...

a few 'nicer' ones...though, i gotta admit...i cherish all of them...big or small, as i know many of you do with your 'finds'...


O.K....major story here with these...i saw this bull 'still packin', way late in the 'season'...i watched him go over a hill out of the sagebrush, into a small patch of timber. i 'went around' to the other side of the timber, and set up my scope. took me nearly an hour to get there. i had seen no other bulls that day. as i was 'watching' the timber for movement, i saw a bull emerge from the timber, and go over the hill. i could see he was 'bald', but could not get my scope on him fast enough to see if he was 'bloody'...i waited bout 45 minutes, and saw no other movement...i figured it had to be him...i was pretty 'done in', and it was a 'hike' back to the rig. i called my son and told him what happened. i 'noted' the spot where i last saw the bull. next to a big log. my boy said, "why didn't i go in after he left, and look around"? i said i would do so, tomorrow...he couldn't wait. he hiked up to 'the log' that evening, and it was nearly dark when he got there. he found one of the 'white' ones in the below pic...it was dark, so he hiked out, with just the one...

next morning, i go back...'right off the bat', i find the other side to his previous 'find'...i'm gettin' excited, but don't even know why...i go over a little 'hump', bout' 100 yards further, and 'bingo'...there they are. both sides from the bull i watched the day before. at this point, 'i'm stoked'...2 nice sets. i left to go home and show my boy...

we start 'lookin', and by golly....it was the same bull from both years. he went back to very nearly the same spot, and shed'em again...guess you know where i might be 'next spring'...he lost the nice 'curl' on his 1's and 2's, but still, a good one...

this is a nice one my son watched a year ago...he stayed with him for a week, but he disappeared. he 'stumbled' upon them this year, bout' 2 miles away from where the bull was last year. it's like he decided to 'go away' to shed...

these are a coupla other 'sets' he found this year..

a nice even set, but missing his '2's'...

just some more nice 'singles'....


this was 2 years' worth of 'sheddin'...

i did these, in memory of an 'old friend'...

i wanted to 'add', one more thing...as i took some 'flak' last year as to my 'sheddin' areas, i kept track this year...over 90% of my shed hunting spots are on public land, or private land open to the public, timber companies...i have never made it a secret as to where i shed hunt...people that ask we where, get an 'up front', and truthful answer. yes, it does make for a little more 'competition'...big deal.

you guys and gals 'take care'...have a safe hunting season, and i hope all of you 'had' or 'will have' good luck in the 'draws'...
Great pics Gentry!! Thanks for sharing with us. Looks like one hell of a collection of bone there. What are you going to do with all of it?

All I can say is AWESOME!!!!!!
I love the sideways three pointer.
Who am I kidding, I love em ALL!!!!

Thank You for deciding to ignore the "miserable toothache merchants" that have nothing better to do than mumble about the success of others!

Thanks so much for posting!!!
Great story about finding last years in the same area. I've heard of that before, but haven't experienced it yet. I always try to walk spots I've found antlers before. Sometimes I tell myself the antlers are still out there, even though it seems they've all been snatched up. I found a last years set once and they were very close to a major access road.
I'm looking to sell some of my antlers, but not getting any good rates higher than 1980 prices.
Its good to see your still out pounding the hills for sheds. If all people were as die hard as you, there wouldnt be any sheds still laying on the ground for next year. thankfully there are still a few left where I am from. Great pics and a truly awesome year. Thanks for postin all the 'sets' and 'singles'. wear out a few more pairs of danners for all of our sakes, just be sure and keep postin the 'pics'!

Always love to see your pics. I really enjoyed the stories that you attached with them. Picking up bone is fun, but the ones with a little history, or story to go with them is an added flare. I'm hoping this new shedding season doesn't mess with our spring. See you on the mountain.
Yea Just a couple more! LOL :)
Nice job Gentry and son.

I think you should show this post to danner and tell them that you need some free boots!
Great to have you back L-F!!! Fantastic finds and pics as usual! I was thinking about you on my way back from Chelan today and wondering if you were going to grace us with some pics! Thanks for sharing!!
Hey, is that you in the Pautzke advertisement kneeling with a trout in your paws? I saw it an yelled to the wife "hey, that's Littlefoot"! Haahaaaa...

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

amazing thank you for sharing, love the stories along with the sheds. and also the hats you had made. What ever did happen to the magpie bull??
Great pictures and stories to go with. Thanks for taking the time to get ATL pics. I wish others here and elsewhere would do the same. Nothing worse than an antler picture on a couch or something...although I'll admit I've done it a few times.

I would never ask you where you shed hunt. Just give me the GPS coordinates, that's all...:)

Seriously, I only want to know what State...? Anyone...?
Littlefoot I am glad to see that I am not the only old fart to post pictures of my public land finds! I have a good friend who always says " They can't find them all" so I just keep going back at prime time to the honey holes and always seem to find all I want to pack home anyway! Yes there is more competition all the time thats ok with me too! Thanks for the GREAT posts!

Time in the hills is always worth more than money
i appreciate your sharing the photos with us. it helps in a positive way to pass the time between now and next shed season.

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