A face only a mother could love.


Long Time Member
Check out this joker. No pun intended. Bet he was the class clown in high school. His life must be a total circus.


You know, if you are going to get your face all tatooed and marred like that, you think you would shy away from certain professions where your image could be a detriment - I don't know - say like - HOME INVASION BURGLARY AND ARMED ROBBERY? At least wear a mask or something. But I guess the lack of intelligence displayed in just acquiring that kind of tatoo explains it all.

Did he finally get caught?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
+1 Roy.

Bring that guy in and let Rugarm check him in.

He probably got those tatoos the last time he was in prison.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-10 AT 08:34AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-10 AT 08:33?AM (MST)

I hear you Eel. I am sure you have a few winners like this in your fair state too.

There's just something about facial tattoos that communicates "scumbag"....

Cop killer..


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
No wonder he is a career criminal. Nobody would ever hire him for a normal job. What an ass.
I hope he tries something stupid & RUG gets to greet him!

I still throw a few back, talk a little smack
Lmao and yes I would love to greet him. Seems to much of this stuff goes on every day. I don't know what people are thinking but tats on the face are about par for their mind set. The picture of the cop killer is a piece of work, we have the task of babysitting him. What a pile of chit he is. No remorse from what I can see, the guy is institutionalize and it's just another crime to him. It's to bad they can sit for so long without being dealt with. And by this I mean he should be done with a long time ago.
For sure on that one Rug!!

"Thursday night, the Joint Criminal Apprehension Team went into an Ogden home looking for somebody else and found Pete hiding in a back room."

Sooo - were they looking for the guy who he was before the clown tatoos?? Amazing.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Good post. I work at the point and funny enough, Clown face, (Tony Pete), and cop killer (Curtis Allgier) are cousins, and were cell mates before cop killer became a cop killer. They did the tats on eachothers faces when they were housed together last time.

And I agree, both have made very poor life decisions!!!

>Good post. I work at the
>point and funny enough, Clown
>face, (Tony Pete), and cop
>killer (Curtis Allgier) are cousins,
>and were cell mates before
>cop killer became a cop
>killer. They did the tats
>on eachothers faces when they
>were housed together last time.
>And I agree, both have made
>very poor life decisions!!!

i cant see why anyone would tattoo there face i mean if they make it to be an old man how embarrassing.
i dont think these two need to worry about that tho!

?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?

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