A day on the Stansburys


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-04-14 AT 12:23PM (MST)[p]I finally got a day off in the past five weeks. So I went on a hike up on the North end of the Stansburys. I had seen a cave way up in the cliffs while hunting sheep in 2010. I've always wanted to check it out, so I did yesterday. It took about two hours to hike up to it. Pretty neat cave, it had a little water coming out of it. Also, looked like a bobcat may have a den back in it. How far back in will a cat make its den?
I went back in about 15-20 feet, then the tunnel reduced down to about 30" high. I reached in as far as I could and took these pictures with my cell phone.
After the cave, I climbed to the top of the cliffs and jumped a group of 17 rams but I was watching my footing and didn't see them until they were running off. So I never got any pictures. Once I climbed to the top of the mountain, I jumped another small group of rams, which I did get a little video. I am sure out of shape and am very sore this morning. Time to start exercising more and get ready for another season.


>Nice to see you still have
>"the fever" Koby!
>PM sent.
Rick, did you get my PM?

There's always next year
Awesome. Thanks for sharing. It is that time to start getting in shape and ready for the coming year!!!
Nice photos, and great video! Thank you for sharing! I love getting out this time of year, and that video sure gets the heart pumping!


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