a day in the life .......



, tell me how much would you put up with.......?

By Joseph Shulam'

Over 50 Kasam Rockets have fallen in one day on the small city of Shederoth in the Northern Negev desert. We have several deaths, but one of the victims that captured the attention of all of Israel was the case of a small boy by the name of Yossi ? 10-year-old boy who was playing in the playground with his 7-year-old sister.

A Kasam rocket hit in the playground and shrapnel hit Yossi on the shoulder. Yossi?s shoulder is crushed and the bones are sticking out, blood is gushing out. Yossi?s little sister drags him to the local grocery store asked for help and to call an ambulance. The camera caught the little girl holding and stroking her brother?s head with love and such tenderness.

Here you have a situation of militant terrorist Hamas government shooting rockets on cities like Ashkelon and Shederoth, and the smaller villages around the Gaza strip and civilian population is the target. Israel does retaliate by shooting the militant's from the air, but there is such a difference ? these two innocent kids, brother and sister, demonstrate such love for each other and no anger at all.

On the other hand the Hamas is teaching the children to hate to hold guns, to become Shahid ? that is martyrs for the cause of Islam. The Palestinians continued to shoot rockets made in Iran and brought through Syria on civilian population
>If they did that to me
>I would, by god, steal
>more of their land from

you surely don't know what your talking about.......
I would give some land back to them. A plot about 3x6 6feet deep.

Are you referring to ownership from 2008 or more years ago? Perhaps you think North America still belongs to the Indians too huh. Part of Israel's continuing problems in the mid east stem directly from the land that they take from Palestine and Lebannon yearly. If course they use the guise of security corridors etc but is is still stealing.

Israel?s ownership goes of the land goes back way before there even was a Palestinian

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