A Day in the Desert


Long Time Member
Headed out this AM to do a little chukar hunting. I left after light so I could look at mule deer, and maybe take a yote. A couple of miles off of the hiway I saw this critter running parrell to the gravel road I was on.


I was in a bend in the road. I took my eyes off of him to grab my camera out of my shell vest. When I looked up, he was gone. There was a gulley below me to my right and a burnt hillside to my left. Initially I thought he hunkered down in the gulley. I continues on, looking uphill at the burnt hillside, in my rear view mirror and along the left side of the road. Finally, as I rounded the hill he was 150 in front of me, 50 yards off of the road. I tried to catch up for the "Kodiac moment." He steered away from the road and went up one of these trees.


I grabbed my revolver and camera and headed out to the trees. I went left where he went up and didn't see him. Darn!! I didn't see him leave! I rounded the trees and this is what I saw.



After about the first 5 photos I noticed my heart was racing and my breaths were rapid. At that point I drew the revolver and continued taking pictures with one hand as I was less than 10 yards from this killing machine. After about 10-12 pics, I wnet back to the truck, locked in the hubs and drove back to the tree. He was still up there. Now I'm about 15 feet from him with the window 1/2 rolled down, snapping photos. At one point he blinked and I laughed out loud and said, You blinked!" I drove off and unlaoded my quad about a mile away.



And went chukar hunting. I saw a small herd of antelope where I started and too many of these.


An hour to the ridge I wanted to hunt, an hour and twenty minutes of great dog work and decent shooting for a change and.


No photos of points. Birds are too sparse this year to take pics and miss a covey rise. On the way in and out we saw some of these, sage grouse.


On the way back, about 250 yards from the truck there were about 7-8 mule deer, does and yearlyings. After loading the quad and heading out, less that 300 yards from where the lion was 7 hours earlier, I saw these:


about 6 does and a little buck. About 300 yards PAST where the lion was treed, I saw these:


About 20 does total with one small buck. I have other photos but this bunch looked nervious. They were where I originally saw the lion before he ran and treed. Several does kept looking back towards where he was treed. He would not have stayed there all day, right? Across the raod from them were these 5:


One was camera shy and didn't make it into the picture. :) A mile up the road I took this photo:


29 deer in this bunch, 3 bucks.

Just another day in the desert.
In Kali "cats" are a felony. I'm a Peace Officer and pension eligible. The jail time and fine may be worth the risk but not a pension I worked 30 years to earn, no way.
Ca was you up around X5B area. That a pretty good day.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Gator, tis was right smack in the middle of X5B, and in the Rush burn. I unloaded in Kali, got off the quad in Kali but took all of the chukar in Nevada.
I saw in the Calif. forum that you was there, I love that unit for deer But it's to hard to draw now days.

The pictures are great.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Wow. You'll probably go your whole life before you run into another cat like that. Great pics, too.

That cat got treed by a truck, and was thinking "He can't kill me, I'm good."


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Second lion I've ever treed. I've told the story about September 2, 2004 on MM many times when my bird dog treed a lion about 800 yards from my house while returning from a hike up the mountain behind the house.

No gun, or camera that time.

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