a date with destiny, Wow



Missed Air France Flight, Only to Die in Car Crash After narrow escape, fate catches up with Italian traveler

woman who dodged death when she and her husband narrowly missed Air France Flight 447 before it plunged into the Atlantic Ocean, killing all 228 aboard, was killed in a car accident just over a week later.

Johanna Ganthaler a retiree from the Bolzano-Bozen province, was on vacation in Brazil with her husband Kurt when the pair miraculously missed the doomed flight to Paris. But their luck ran out on an Austrian road earlier this week when their car swerved into the path of an oncoming truck outside the town of Kufstein, the Times (U.K.) reported.

Kurt Ganthaler was badly hurt in the accident.

Flight 447 disappeared from radar shortly after leaving Rio de Janeiro and is believed to have broken apart shortly after it left the airport in Brazil on May 31 with 228 people on board.
Some three dozen bodies have been fished out of the ocean where the Airbus jet plunged into the water. A nuclear-powered French submarine has begun scouring the seafloor for any sign of the black box, which could hold the key to determining what felled the plane.

The Ganthalers flew out of the country on a flight the day after the jet went missing.
Pretty much goes to show you that when God decides you have a "date at the gate", he is going to be sure you get there, on time.
I guess you can't cheat death after all. Reminds me of the movie "Final Destination". I think that's what it was called.

I hope I NEVER see the black shadows they portray death as in the movies. The ones in Ghost, coupled with the eerie music, kinda freaked me out a bit.
"...their car swerved into the path of an oncoming truck..."

Not the other way around?? That sounds like a smart thing to do if they were feeling bad about missing the flight...

I just read that and man is that crazy. That's some Final Destination type of $hit right there! Watch the husband get out of the hospital and get hit by lightning or something. WOW

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