A couple of my friends


Very Active Member
Here's some pics I took Tuesday on a road trip:


He was nice enough to let me walk pretty darn close to him!


Here's a real nice buck with his girlfriends...





LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-05 AT 12:23PM (MST)[p]Those are Wyoming and Utahr. The second one is definitely a shooter (if I had a tag, which I don't-story of my life). The first guy is just good looking!
JD, I do, I was just waiting to get maps first. I figure it'll make a whole lot more sense if I know what yer talkin' about....:)
Robb, I'm happy to say that not only are they at bow range....they were at SPITTIN' range. If you look closely at the foreground of the big buck pics, you can see the little hill I crept over to surprise his group in their sleepy time beds.

It was great fun!
Nice pics, now if I could find somthing of there quality in the 3 corners I would feel better about my tag. best I have seen is a 13 incher I would rate at about 65 - 68 BC. maybe have to turn my tag back in and or get you to show me how to find him...lol
Nice pics
Hey girl, nice speed goats. I went looking for my own today while GateGopher agravated the fish on the river; saw 80 animals, 14 bucks, and 5 were shooters like I got last time (14-15"). No dinky dog deer for you up here in Idaho, I guess, from reading your post about Arizona elk. Congrats.
Whoa there, Blankster! Just cuz I gots to go to AZ does not mean I can't come up and chase dinky dog deer and stupid hens with you and GateGopher.

After all, I DO have a valid Idaho hunting license, ya know!

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