A big pile of snow


Long Time Member
Here's a photo my Dad sent me. It was taken by a Forest Service Crew on top of Buffalo Pass just north of Steamboat Springs, recently. It's the snowiest spot in Colorado by a wide margin. Wolf Creek Pass isn't in the top three...

We have a similar situation north of town here on top of Blue Mountain to Harpers Corner. The road is usually open by April 1st but they ain't even half way there yet and then its been snowing quite a bit up there yet too. Big snow pack this year. Kind of cool watching the big snows from our house up there. Wall of white moving across the mountain.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Good Golly Molly, that's a bunch of snow you got there Beanman!!

I can just now see the top of my BBQ! Spring is here, the phone has been ringing for work, and what's left of the snow here is melting fast! Yeppie!! :)

That alot of water stacked up there, LOL
That took some shovelling to get to the bottom of that snow bank.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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