a 42 deer pickle



While talking to my uncle who is a fairly inexperienced hunter this summer i was asked what draw he should put his family in for deer,, i proceeded to tell him that i had alot of access in unit 40 and i could gaurantee him a decent deer. Unfortunatly i also mentioned that i was considering trying to put in for unit 42 to see if i might have better luck than my usuall no draw on 40.

That being said, i got a call a few weeks ago telling me that his two sons had drawn unit 42 tags and they were really looking forward to me taking them out to get one of those big bucks i promised..... i didnt have the heart to tell him that he had entered them for the wrong unit...

So now im scrambling to try and find a good place or two to go hike so that i can hopefully find them something other than sagebrush to look at this fall...

Im willing to go give myself a heart attack looking for deer but any help in where to start would be appreciated.
Well at least they were able too draw something even if its a really tough area to hunt..I have been all over that country & in the last 6 years of hunting yotes trapping cats & general riding around I have yet to see a buck I would call a trophy..this unit will depend on how much early snow gets dropped up on silver city/south mtn & the triangle jct area the big bucks always seem to move on threw towards nevada if we get any big storms if not well they hang out in various parts of 40 I would start my efforts down off the juniper mtn road lots of country always seem to see the more decent bucks in that area late in the year..
Thanks for the info, looks like i need to wear in some boots and give myself cataracts looking through binoculars to find something.
Good luck on your hunt.. I rode dirt bikes down there a few months back & we covered close to 40 miles & saw 3 does...but later in the year when the snow dumps down there they start moving thru.so u could still hammer a good buck
I am sure that your uncle will understand. But your cousins maybe out for more than a trophy buck if they don't get to shoot at some giant muley.
I can't see why you are in a pickle

the Owyhees in November, there is nothing like it
look for the does man, look for the does

how young-experienced are your cousins/

if they are patient(dont pull the hammer on the first buck)
put in plenty of time,\
and get a little lucky
they could find a toad

if they are just kids looking for their first bucks.. just have a good time, pack a good lunch and build some memories
you'll see bucks every day

remember, you cant get lucky sitting on the couch watching football

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