96" Nevada Antelope



So there is a rumor going around that a guy shot a new Nevada state record Antelope. And I guess he supposed to be 96"!!! The bad thing about this is the guy who shot the buck is a real POS, his family has been hit a couple times for spotting big game from a helicopter. I haven't seen a picture of it yet but can't wait. The guys last name that shot the buck is Jaksick. Post pictures if you got them!

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
Helicopter time must be nice?

I can only afford an ultralight?

Nevada Badger
I think its Sam, but I'm not 100% positive.

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
So it's pretty obvious that you don't know a whole lot about that family, otherwise you might have mentioned that Sam currently has the Nevada record antelope which scores 94. Todd has the 2nd place goat, which scores 93 2/8. 6 of the top 21 bucks in the state belong to them...And that's just their Nevada antelope. Not sure calling someone you don't know a POS on a public forum is the right thing to do. Why don't you bring Randy Ulmer and some of those guys up while you are at it? I am not agreeing or disagreeing, just saying.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-11 AT 03:07PM (MST)[p]Isn't the world record 95? Granted it has to dry, still sounds like a nice lope. Flying and finding stuff is one thing but you still have to get on the ground and kill it. They have the state record cali bighorn too that will prob be there for a long time!
No I think the world record is 101. And yeah I'm going to call someone who illegally spots animals from an aircraft a POS. How would you like if you had a buck spotted and no one else knew about him. Then some @as hole comes along in his helicopter.

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-11 AT 03:50PM (MST)[p]Wow!

Kinda makes My Lopers look like PISSCUTTERS!

I Guess Danners ain't the way to get the Big Boys!

EDIT:I forgot to mention my Bushnell Spotter,Guess it ain't the Right Equipment either,but I've been informed that many times already!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-11 AT 04:57PM (MST)[p]B&C WR is 95......it is not illegal to spot game from the air.


When You buyin a Copter?

I wanna ride the Ski!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
If I remember right?

I read somewhere where Jaksicks have took some Big Sheep too!

We need the Copter CUPSY!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Gonna hotwire a 'plain' huh Ben?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Like Gudari, I was a bit taken aback by the POS comments made by the original poster. The Jaksick family, who I do NOT know, have quite a few excellent animals, and they seem to be quite avid pronghorn and sheep hunters in particular. Just because someone can scout from the air, where legal, does not make them a POS. They are known as very hard hunters who put in a ton of time in nothern Nevada, and the results show that. I wish I could afford to scout by air, and if it were legal where I drew a tag, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Just because you find a great animal from the air does not mean you're going to take him when the season opens. You still have to get on the ground and find him again. I'm not aware of them being cited or convicted for wildlife violations, so until I'm made aware of any convictions, I'll hold my opinion about them and simply say...wonderful trophy, congratulations!
come on guys, these are just regular folks, they hunt a lot harder than the rest of us and maybe they just have a lot of luck in the drawings.
Indeed a nice read
If this is what everyone is talking about
Lets mention this story took place 25 years ago
I'm not condoning the situation.But if this is all he has done in the last 25 years.It maybe time to forgive and forget
Now if someone can find this
I'm sure we can find a Pic of this Lope
So quick to judge and jump to conclusions. Columbo would be most proud of how quick some can solve a presumed crime which may or may not have even happened...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
It may be legal, it may be ethical, but I don't find using a helicopter with it's ability to zoom in and out trying to locate a particular animal very sporting.
That does not take away from Mr. Jaksick being an accomplished hunter. You still have to find and hunt your animal.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-11 AT 09:36PM (MST)[p]The incident cited dates starting in 1987, so it's very close to 25 years piper! The guys were not found guilty on any of the charges and the Government lost in it's attempt to seize the chopper. It's a shame people jump to conclusions and bad mouth others when they have no idea of the truth behind anything! It's still innocent until proven guilty in my book and, just like has been mentioned, even though some of us would not use a plane of chopper to scout, you still have to get it done on the ground. It sure sounds like they are doing the latter!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-11 AT 05:44AM (MST)[p]Welcome to Monstermuleys.com! Where everytime some one is fortunate enough to take a outstanding animal a post will be made about how unfair it is the person shot it because they use helicopters or have money or are blessed with more time to hunt due to fortunate work circumstances, or how they screwed someone else out of killing the animal, or blah blah blah. Seriously everyone needs to shutup and get over their jealousy. Have I ever shot a record book animal? No. But does that mean everytime someone else does they need to be bad mouthed till their reputation is shot to sh%!....!? Hell no! Grow up people
"If I remember right?
I read somewhere where Jaksicks have took some Big Sheep too!"

That would be true Bessy, , an exceptional slam of sheep and other fine animals as well.


He was on a quest to take the World Record Pronghorn for some time.


It don't surprise me to see his name mentioned in the same sentence as 96" antelope, especially in his home state.
From what I heard ,its not Sam who shot the antelope in question,but Stan Jaksick.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-11 AT 03:08PM (MST)[p]The following is in addition to the charges brought in WA/OR over the sheep harassment for which he was acquitted.


11 Sentenced for Federal Wildlife Violations

By: Arizona Game and Fish
Posted on: 04/01/02

The U.S. Attorney's Office and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have announced the sentencing of 11 individuals for violating federal wildlife laws stemming from an investigation dubbed "Operation Navajo Buck."

The 11 paid a total of $84,000 in fines, restitution and penalties, and one aircraft was forfeited by the court.

The investigation, which began in 1998, focused on several big game guides based in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico who were suspected of unlawfully using aircraft prior to and during hunting seasons to locate deer and elk for hunting clients in northern Arizona. The investigation also focused on illegal guiding and hunting on the Navajo Indian Reservation.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducted the investigation with assistance from the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the Navajo Department of Fish and Wildlife. The prosecution was handled by assistant United States Attorneys Paul V. Rood and Camille Bibles of the U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Arizona, Phoenix.

The following individuals were convicted of a federal criminal violation for unlawful hunting on the Navajo Indian Reservation, and sentenced as follows:

Dan Smith Jr., San Jose, Calif., was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine and $25,000 restitution to the Navajo Department of Wildlife. In a related civil action, the court ordered the forfeiture of a powered parachute aircraft.

Steven Stayner, Mesa, Arizona, was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine. A federal civil sanction seeking the forfeiture of a powered parachute aircraft owned by Stayner, for alleged violations of the Airborne Hunting Act, is currently being litigated.

Kenneth Clint Heiber, Red Bluff, Calif., was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine and $25,000 restitution to the Navajo Department of Wildlife. In addition, Heiber was ordered to abandon a trophy mule deer killed on the Navajo Indian Reservation in December 1997, and subsequently seized by agents of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in March of 2000.

Joseph Aggi, Red Bluff, Calif., was ordered to pay a $2,000 fine and ordered not to hunt for a period of two years.

Samuel S. Jaksick Jr., Reno, Nev., was ordered to pay a $4,500 fine and $7,500 restitution to the Navajo Department of Wildlife.

Julius Fortuna, Phoenix, was ordered to pay a fine of $2,500.

A. Paul Stewart, Phoenix, was ordered to pay a fine of $2,500. A federal civil action seeking the forfeiture of a powered parachute aircraft owned by Stewart, for alleged violations of the Airborne Hunting Act, is currently being litigated.

Ryan S. Hatch, Kanab, Utah, a mule deer videographer, was convicted of a criminal violation of the Lacey Act related to the taking of a mule deer on the Navajo Indian Reservation in 1997. Hatch was sentenced to five years probation and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine. Hatch's conditions of probation require that be in full compliance with state, federal and tribal regulations when conducting hunting-related activities, including scouting for game and videotaping.

The following individuals paid "Federal Notice of Violations" for unlawful hunting on the Navajo Indian Reservation:

Daniel Smith III, San Jose, Calif., $5,000;

Lary Nicolds, Garland, Utah, $500;

Mark Lefevre, Tropic, Utah, $500.

The Lacey Act is a federal wildlife law that makes it unlawful to transport, sell, receive, acquire or purchase wildlife that was taken, transported, possessed or sold in violation of state, federal, or Indian tribal laws or regulations.

The Airborne Hunting Act is a federal wildlife law making it unlawful to shoot animals from an aircraft or to harass animals with an aircraft. The Airborne Hunting Act Regulations prohibit a person, while on the ground, from taking or attempting to take wildlife by means, air, or use of an aircraft.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Im not defending anyone or condoning any illegal activities but to publicly call someone a POS and not even know their name or the true story of what happened, well in my book that makes you an even bigger pile.
Im not judging either way. Hey piper him and his family have put alot of money towards wildlife he kills almost all his animals with auction tags. Its not that he gets lucky in the draw he has more money than god.
On page 12 of the Nevada hunting regulations it states that it is illegal to use any aircraft to hepl scout.
> man how time goes by,
>its 2015 already?

Follow with me piper
1987+25 years=2012
I figured we could round up the 4 months we are short
We have a friend that has the same tag and had over 120 hours watching the same buck that Jaksick killed. He said that there we a few time that while watching the buck there was Piper Cub flying over the area that the buck was living.

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
>We have a friend that has
>the same tag and had
>over 120 hours watching the
>same buck that Jaksick killed.
>He said that there we
>a few time that while
>watching the buck there was
>Piper Cub flying over the
>area that the buck was
>"Elk dont know how many feet
>a horse had" - Bear

And since one of the Jaksick's killed the buck, it had to be them in the airplane, right? He's sure it wasn't anyone else, isn't he? Talk about a stretch.
I couldn't care less if he shot a World record antelope...

I'm not a member of Monster Muleys for nothing... It's not "Monster Goats"...

Controversy, controversy, controversy... If it's a record, there's usually controversy... This guy has been surrounded by controversy his whole life... He has money, means, and desire to kill the biggest anuimal out there, sooner or later, he's going to do it... And now maybe he has...

Maybe he's a POS, maybe he's the greatest sportsman that ever lived... Either way, he shot an antelope. Unlike other big game, they really don't get much more impressive no matter how "big" they get IMHO... Let's keep it in perspective, it's just an antelope...

:D :D :D

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
"Ryan S. Hatch, Kanab, Utah, a mule deer videographer, was convicted of a criminal violation of the Lacey Act related to the taking of a mule deer on the Navajo Indian Reservation in 1997. Hatch was sentenced to five years probation and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine. Hatch's conditions of probation require that be in full compliance with state, federal and tribal regulations when conducting hunting-related activities, including scouting for game and videotaping."

It seems like I've heard that name before. Maybe it was Orin Hatch, the Senator I was thinking of.

That's funny you feel that way BrowningRage, because that is exactly how I feel about elk. I've guided for 11 years and have been apart of harvesting several bulls over 400" and a couple antelope over 90", and it has always been more exciting for me to walk up on a monster antelope than a monster bull. I guess the trophy truly is in the eye of the beholder.

Call me crazy, but I would shoot a 96" speed-goat over a 400" wapiti any day of the week. Afterall, let's keep it in perspective, it's just an elk...
Now You're in Trouble Eel!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
>I didn't bring it up. See
>post #27

lmmfao eel...we need a chalkboard around here...lol

Seeing how they have already been convicted of something similar m sure the F&G is keeping a close eye on them,along with everyone thats knows them and knows all their dirty lil secrets.
If it was shot during season, legally within state regs I could give a shiz. I would like to see a pic of the goat though.
LOL 215Typical... I think you're right... Eye of the Beholder... :D :D

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
NONYAMT (757 posts)
Aug-30-11, 08:06 PM (MST)
43. "RE: 96" Nevada Antelope"
Seeing how they have already been convicted of something similar m sure the F&G is keeping a close eye on them,along with everyone thats knows them and knows all their dirty lil secrets.

So Nonya---Where did you find that these guys were convicted of something similar? If you could read, you would know that there were no convictions regarding the use of a chopper or anything else that they were charged with years ago!
>That's funny you feel that way
>BrowningRage, because that is exactly
>how I feel about elk.
>I've guided for 11 years
>and have been apart of
>harvesting several bulls over 400"
>and a couple antelope over
>90", and it has always
>been more exciting for me
>to walk up on a
>monster antelope than a monster
>bull. I guess the trophy
>truly is in the eye
>of the beholder.
>Call me crazy, but I would
>shoot a 96" speed-goat over
>a 400" wapiti any day
>of the week. Afterall,
>let's keep it in perspective,
>it's just an elk...

lmfao you are almost correct. A 96" speed goat would be a new world record so to get a equal bull you would need to shoot a what....443"? IMO Id rather see a 433" bull die than 96" goat any day of the week and twice on sunday. To be 100% honest Id rather hunt mule deer than anything.
Seen a pic and heard some info and well...its huge! It was also shot with a drawin tag not a gov tag.
See post #27...there actually was a conviction in the '97 case it appears.

I don't know those involved nor do I hunt Nevada. I'd like to drool over a pic of the goat tho if someone can post it up!

LBR---I was referring to the link in post #16 on completely different charges. The ones in post 27# only involved one family member, a Sam Jr. and it involved a violation of some sort on an Indian Reservation.
I saw a picture as well. It is big, and no doubt scores in the 90's. I am not a fan of posting other people's pictures on the internet, but it's only a matter of time before it is here.
Regardless the guy is a convicted poacher,dont care what he killed.

"I absolutely had my head up my azz "
What happens on the rez stays on the rez!! Ask hunt rez, aya, Ben Thompson and Homer J. No big deal :) now let's see this goat!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-03-11 AT 11:50AM (MST)[p]<<LBR---I was referring to the link in post #16 on completely different charges. The ones in post 27# only involved one family member, a Sam Jr. and it involved a violation of some sort on an Indian Reservation. <<

They are one and the same. Sam Jasick is Sam Jasick Jr. His son's name is Todd.

The "violation of some sort" on the rez also involved airborne hunting of deer. In that case he was found guilty and paid the fine as noted.

In the sheep case, he was acquited of the harrassment charge because the undercover guy in the copter had used a zoom lens when they were flying over the sheep. Thus,not knowing what the lens was set at, the actual distance that would have comprised the harassment charge was hard to determine. The actual court document is the link I put above the other news release.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
The hunter that shot the lope from the OP is Stan Jaksick. The guy that got in trouble on the Navajo is his brother Sam, FWIW.
I have heard of Fish and Game people in several states, (California and Utah are personally known examples)that fly in and chase animals out of a given area right before the opening of a season to reduce kill numbers. Why is this not considered "harassment of game animals"?
Actually Stan is Sam's son, he had a regular draw tag, he has done nothing wrong and there is no reason for this whole conversation, except for the fact that he was successful.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-11 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]Would bet he killed it on his own land with a landowner tag. Jacksicks own tens of thousands of acres of the best deer and goat land in 011,013,014,015 in NW Nevada.
I got a picture of the buck, and he is HUGE!!! I'll post the picture tomorrow.

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
He can legally/illegally acquire all the records he wants. He's still gonna die some day just like the rest of us. The judgement is his own.

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