94 for Goats!


Active Member
Any of you guys had any experience with this unit? What size of buck should I expect to see if I put in my time? Appreciate any help in advance.
I love that area! It is a great place to hunt and enjoy the out-of-doors (especially for families and youth). You'll see a lot of bucks in area 94. Your average buck will be from 12" to 14" high. This area seems to have a lot of bucks with little to no prongs and not much for mass. So if you are looking for something "special" make sure you do your homework on how to field judge pronghorn. There are some good bucks to be found out there. 80" B&C bucks are shot every year... if a guy is willing to be patient and look at the details (like mass and prong length). Good luck to ya!
I have hunted that area for antelope 3 times and have always got a buck in the mid to high 70's with in 2 days of looking at many bucks. I have seen a few bigger maybe in the low 80's. Later in the season when they start to group up its easier (for me any way) to judge them. But here in Wyoming the dirt roads can get pretty nasty with snow or rain. Good luck!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-11 AT 08:03PM (MST)[p]I hunted this unit last year and have several other times in the past. Send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I will help you out with info. regarding the area and a particular buck you might be intersted in, if he is still alive and in the same area. My buck was 79" and was a very nice looking buck. I spotted three that would score better but did not look as nice as this one does mounted.
>I hunted this unit last year
>and have several other times
>in the past. Send me
>an e-mail at [email protected] and
>I will help you out
>with info. regarding the area
>and a particular buck you
>might be intersted in, if
>he is still slive and
>in the same area. My
>buck was 79" and was
>a very nice looking buck.
>I spotted three that would
>score better but did not
>look as nice as this
>one does mounted.


Here is the link to the buck I killed last year in 94. Congrats on the draw. I hate to wait another 4 years to get back.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-11 AT 08:02PM (MST)[p]Sorry. The link no longer exists. Here is a couple of pictures.


94 is a fun place to hunt and explore. It is nearly entirely covered by checker-board private/public. When you are out and about in this area please respect the land and treat it with the greatest respect so the land owners stay willing to allow us access to their treasure. Asking permission is always a great first step to keep it open. If you see any trash, stop and pick it up.

Thanks for helping and good luck.
I also have a 94 tag. Never hunted the unit but looking forward to it. Looks like we will have to be careful with the private/public though, unit looks like a checker board!
I wasted 5 NR points on this unit. Look I'm the only one that put in with 5 points. Anyway I knew of 3 boone & crooket bucks taken of unit 94 last year. Last year I went up and scouted 94 a couple of times, and was excited enough to burn max points on this unit. Well I was told they shot it out last year. I heard they shot 500 bucks of this unit. Anyway I've been up there 3 trips scouting, and a total of 6 days. I haven't seen a that I'd shoot, Period. I haven't seen what I'd call a mature buck yet. So I called the F&G and ask if I could turn my tag back in, and they said Wyoming doesn't do that. Oh well.
That news is no bueno... I am planning on going up this weekend to look around, hopefully I find something encouraging.
Hang in there and you'll probably get a good one, as I doubt they shot the unit out in one season.
I was born and raised in Southwest Wyoming and parts of 94 were my old stomping grounds for cottontail, sage grouse and mule deer. Ih those days there were very few antelope around in that area, but as the years went by that changed big time.

I doubt 94 was shot out last year too. The big thing this year will be all the feed and all the water. The antelope will be spread out all over and things in all the units in Southwest Wyoming will be much different than in past years. They had a big winter in that part of the state too and so I am sure there was more winter kill than on a normal year.

If I am not mistaken, to be legal in that unit, one must possess a trespass permit in additional to your antelope license and your conservation permit. If your are going to archery hunt early, then you will need an archery permit too.


Have a good one. BB
Eastman's have put area 94 as a "blue chip" unit. Maybe that has some folks more excited about it than it really is. The fact is that there are some great bucks in 94 and 80" bucks will be killed out of there every year. However, Those B&C class bucks are few and far between. The majority of the unit is full of just average "bucks." However, I'm still going to say that a Wyoming antelope hunt is one the best you'll ever go on. You'll see tons of animals, limited hunting pressure, and have tons of opportunities to take a buck (Just decide which one you want to pull the trigger on.) If you're really worried about no wasting those 5 preference points... wait until the bucks start to rut in later September. I promise you'll have a great experience.
Thanks for your info. That's what I'm planning is hunt later. I have really scouted hard. The places I seen good bucks in last year just haven't panned out. I'll have a great time either way. I was just disappointed in my scouting last year compared to this year.
I went out scouting the other day and overall, I was impressed with the unit I seen a lot of goats. Most were average, but I saw a few shooters in my book.
I've done my normal summer scouting and we just didn't see the number of goats that we normally do. Today we were bowhunting in 94 and in my opinion there are far fewer goats this year than last. I'm afraid that the winter was harder on them than I thought. It was a long day in the blind with only a few antelope. I wish I had better news. I'm heading out again early in the morning, hopefully tomorrow is better.
Sounds like you need to hook up with Sagehunter29. All the gots in 94 must be where he was scouting!
>AT 08:02?PM (MST)

>Sorry. The link no longer exists.
>Here is a couple of


What is the measurement on those prongs? The right one looks huge, what is the length on the other side? Would like to see a picture. Good looking buck!
The left prong is weak. Maybe 4" or 5". I new it was short but I actually thought he was broomed off. I still think I would have shot him but was a little dissapointed on the length of the left prong. I really loooked a alot of good bucks before dropping the hammer and I still think he was one of the best I saw in ten days of looking.
Pretty rough hunt this year. Just got back yesterday. Seen tons and tons of goats, but nothing with any size. I looked at 300+ bucks before I decided I wasn't going to see anything bigger. Both fish and game officers we talked to said the horn growth this year was terrible, and what we seen very much reflected that. We had permission to hunt probably 80%+ of the unit and covered a lot of ground and it didn't matter what area we was in, we couldn't find anything with any size. The buck I shot had a huge body and head, biggest body I have ever taken on a goat, just didn't have the horn growth to go with it. Good luck to everyone with a tag still, I wouldn't hold off too long if you see a decent one right off, I don't think we seen a goat over 75" in 300+ bucks.
I think we had a similar experience. We probably talked to the same two G&F officers too. I still have a tag and I'll check the area out again in a week or so. But I think you're right...... Pretty tough going this year. If you get a chance I would love to see pics of your buck. Congratulations on a successful hunt.
why do you think horn growth was low this year, poor physical condition coming out of winter, short growing season,or just younger age class animals?
Much of the growth is early in the year. That was when the animals were in near death condition due to the winter. Many does had to abort their fetuses to reabsorb the energy. Bucks needed everything they took in to recover. With the good moisture this summer, the critters that survived last winter should go into this one in pretty good shape. Trouble is, we lost most (almost all) the older animals, most of last year's fawns, most of this year's fawns and many in between all of those. The antelope seemed to have made it through better than the deer. This southwest corner of Wyoming is just pathetically sad. I've been out setting on points, looking over huge tracts of land with spotting scope and binos, traveling roads that haven't even seen traffic this year, and walking ridges. I've seen under 30 deer in 6 trips, around Evanston area. I've yet to see a mature buck and the buck I have seen were on private land.

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