9 3/4" Nevada Goat


Very Active Member
This is the goat we killed Saturday morning. The hunter was 70 years old and decided to kill this goat the first morning after seeing the rough country.


One of the horns broke off during the fall but I found it on the climb out.

The goat was standing on top of the ledge to the left of the trees when he shot it. It fell a couple hundred yards down this face. When I got to it it was still alive and kicked over another ledge. Fortunatly it got it's head under itself and stopped. It was one kick away from going over another cliff that would have taken it all the way to the bottom. I jumped down and grabbed it's leg and pulled it back on the rock. It was kicking like crazy. I had to dispatch it by suffucating it. My horses are over the highest peak in the photo. I wasn't going to go back down so I quartered and caped it and hauled it out in one trip. My legs were burning when I finally got to the top. It was another great day on the mountain.

Nothing wrong at all with that Goat!! Good job you guys getting him on it and getting it off the mountain.
Greatlooking goat and great story as well. Those goats sure are tough buggers aren't they? I've heard many horror stories of lost goats up here in BC. They always seem to have that last kick in them that sends them over the edge. Congrats for hanging on and keeping him there.
I,ve seen billy's all summer within a 45 min. walk from the
turnaround in Lammoille canyon, also tons of snow cocks.
do you guys need some help??

Great story and goat . Is that a nanny ? I don't know much about goats but I thought that billies horns were more massive at the bases . Thanks for the pic and story .
I wanna see a pic of the guy holding up the testicles so he can prove it's a Billy! JK

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.

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