82 lb Coyote?

Poor critter.

Yours truly,
HumbledHunter (stinkystomper's alter ego)
Mormons are Christians too
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-12 AT 03:23PM (MST)[p]Wolf.

Hybrid at the very least.

The biggest coyote I've seen with my own eyes is this 52 lber.
Not the biggest ever recorded, but undoubtedly a monster.


Thats a F,n wolf,Im sure they will find "experts" to dispute it though,wouldnt want to upset the locals.

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
Here's my DD! He didn't grow his long facial hair like most do. He's quite a pheasant dog. I wish I had a DiDi laying next to me, but no such luck!

Not that my intent is to bump this thread back up to the top but I missed it somehow. About 28 years ago I had a Siberian husky, she was an outside dog and was fenced in with a block wall. She came into heat and a coyote bread her and as dogs do they got locked up. I shot the coyote with my bow but he still impregnated my dog. She had 6 pups that were uglier than sin. I was able to give 5 of them away but I kept the best looking one. He turned out looking a little darker but just like this so called 82 lb coyote. He was also just as big, maybe bigger. He also turned out to be a really good pet. I had pic?s of him but they were left with my ex wife. I will see if she still has them and scan them to post here. I named him Chance because I was only gonna give him one.

By the way, I got to meet TopGuns dog there in the picture and he was a pleasure to be around. Very well behaved and hardly made a peep. Herc is a beautiful birddog. I would love to see him work birds in the field one day.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-12 AT 03:17PM (MST)[p]Here you go GBA. Here's Herc in a little chillier environment! I see our AZ hunt areas got dumped on like this picture a couple days ago! It's a ridiculous 87 here right now and as hot as we had any day all last summer. I think Al Gore is at work, LOL!

Unfortunately, no I don't. I shot them many years ago out on the Peninsula, and when I saw this picture, I immediately realized that wolf, coyote or whatever they want to call it looks exactly like the two young wolves I shot on a moose hunt out there.

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