75"+ Goat in WY Unit 62?


Very Active Member
I am trying to figure out which antelope unit I should put in for. I have hunted doe in units 98, and 93 over the last 3 years, and I did see a couple nice bucks in these areas, but wondered how much better is it in some of the other harder to draw units? I live close to 98 and 93 so it made them easy for doe hunting, but for a nice buck I am willing to travel some. I have heard good things about unit 62 and wondered if anybody knew anthing about hunting in 62?. I know that I have to draw a tag first, but I think that in the special draw I would have a decent chance. I would really like to find something 75" or bigger. Thanks for any info.
I would try for 60 or 57 if you want a 75" plus goat, plenty of them in both units, good luck drawing the tag though.

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