7 pin fixed - 5 fixed bow hunting


Joe2cool brought up fix pin versus slider. I did comment on it, but it got me thinking. I’ve always shot 5 pin fixed “over 20 years in fact” and it works great for me at 30,40,50,60,70 70lb 30”draw, I wouldn’t mind trying out the seven pin fix or even or even re visit some sliders for fun,
Question : if your running a 7pin fixed on your hunting rig do you find it crowded in your sight housing?? Let me kno your thoughts on this. Mata 🤙🏽
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I love the 7. Shot it for years and years. Never had a problem with to much crowd. I can see just fine
For those running a 7 pin, what brand and model do you like best? And at what yardage do you set your pins at?
I run an IQ sight that I bought on sale many years ago. They're now owned by FeraDyne, which has ZERO customer service, so I don't think I'd recommend them. Too bad. I really like the sight.
Mine are set 20,30,40,50,60,70,75.
I only use 4 pins
30 and shorter, aim a couple inches low if he's close.
Too much can happen to shots over 60, I'll only shot 60 if I'm totally undetected and critter presents himself perfectly. Just my 2 cents .
I do practice out to 80 just to hone my skills on those 60 shots.
I only use 4 pins
30 and shorter, aim a couple inches low if he's close.
Too much can happen to shots over 60, I'll only shot 60 if I'm totally undetected and critter presents himself perfectly. Just my 2 cents .
I do practice out to 80 just to hone my skills on those 60 shots.
Same for shots under 30 yards
I run an IQ sight that I bought on sale many years ago. They're now owned by FeraDyne, which has ZERO customer service, so I don't think I'd recommend them. Too bad. I really like the sight.
Mine are set 20,30,40,50,60,70,75.
Curious.. why only 5 extra yards on your last pin?

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