7 NR points kicking around Unit 45


Active Member
I am thinking about burning my 7 points this year - or least trying to burn them. I am giving Unit 45 serious consideration. I'd like to make good use of the points as this will be the last time I have enough points to draw a premium unit. I'll be 59 this fall but still get around fairly decent for an old guy. I bowhunt and rifle hunt so the Type 1 tag is what I have in mind.

I am looking for some advice on this unit. Any useful info would be appreciated - PM if you prefer. Thanks.
7PPs was only 42.86% draw last year in the Regular Draw for 45-1 and won't even assure you 100% in the Special Draw this year the way the draw odds look.

I understand that and it is no big deal if I don't draw but I just want to be comfortable with the choice of unit before I apply.

>45 is a great choice for
>someone in your position, better
>than unit 7.

I sure can't argue that and my comment was strictly based on the fact that the OP probably won't have a great chance to draw it. I was up there for a few days the third week of September and the unit was crawling with people that must have had Type 1 tags and bought the $30 archery permit. I'll be up there the first two weeks of the month this coming season helping a friend on the 45-9 tag he'll draw with his 8PPs before the crowd hits.
Yes defintely, unfortunately there are a lot of people in the OP's situation. They can only draw a couple units either currently or in a couple of years and some of those units get crowded like 7 unless you're on private. Like you pointed out w/ the odds it may get worse w/ future Wyoming legislation. I think overall odds will go down drastically this year. I can't remember a year where I've answered so many elk questions for people. More units are taking max points as people try to cash in. The Bighorns I think are a good second tier choice that can produce top-tier bulls for those that put in the time w/ a little luck on their side.

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