
Long Time Member
hard to believe Raquel is a year away from turning 70. Granted she's probably had some work done but I think she still looks great. What ya think, is she still hot?



>I'd give her a stroke for
>sure!! Ya'll know what 69
>1/2 is?? LMAO!! :p

Like an old catchers mitt?
Pretty good for 69 but I never did like her all that much and I'm sure I'm closer to her age than many on here. Something about her mouth (sneer) that I never liked.
i'm not asking if you'd poink her :) just saying she's pretty good looking for an older lady. Some of her earlier year pics didn't leave much to the imagination and I think you'd have said YES
She does look great for being 69.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I think she looks damn good for age 69. Like you said, prolly had a fair amount of work done.

I don't know what 69 1/2 means. Do you know what 77 means?
Yeah, well I'm 63 and I would definately hit it
......if one of you guys would loan me something to hit it WITH!
For a 69er she's definitely smokin, weird facial features or not!! I wonder how many people are dying to open this thread right now but are afraid to because they're on a work computer?? I bet a lot!!


LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-10 AT 08:35AM (MST)[p]F dude fair enough,,, lmao she does look great at 69. I was just razzin ya a little!!

In fact I have 3 breakfast beers in me now and she is getting hotter!!!!!!!!
the combo of my name and the number 69 probably does make a lot of people leary to open this at work. I guess I should have titled it something else, but the nunber '69' kind of rolls off the tongue :)

1-2 more beers and you'll be telling me she would have won the Rack Bracket. You better stop now.
You guys know why woman like 77 better than 69? They get "8" more:)

If you would have held out on telling me how old she was, Yes I would hit it. But now knowing shes close to my grandmas age NO!!!
.....not hot enough for 69....but she looks great for her age.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Hell I just turned 68 yesterday so she can and I could do a "68".........let her go first and I would "owe her one". LOL
She looks a lot better than some of the witches I have seen posted here on MM.

To get in her pants you dont slip her any pills you actually take her OFF her meds to get her in the sack? HA LOL Im going to hell!
You sick bastage,is there anything you wouldn't hit?
Doesn't look like Great Grandmothers would stop you?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-10 AT 08:37PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-10 AT 08:35?PM (MST)

Daughter looks ok. Tahnee Welch, should be about 48 or so. In other pictures, likely not postable here, she may...in a couple of ways....remind you of Raquel.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
>She doesnt look that bad, and
>at least its not obvious
>like most face lifts. I
>think she looks good.

That's enough reason to not think she looks good right there!

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