69-2 Idaho Moose Help



Just wondering if anybody has seen any big moose in this hunt, we have yet to see any bulls worth taking,we have been watching the tex cr area but are expanding out this week,any info would be great thanks scott
Are you gun or bow? What are your expectations? It is still too early and hot to see many, and those only first and last of the day. There are Booner's there, but there are also a lot of great bulls which don't score. Hell/Lava/Dan/Pine Mt. all have good ones in the thick quakies, in addition to Tex Creek. Start getting real serious around Sept. 15-25th.
My wife has the tag, so rifle ir will be, we are heading to lava cr tonight, , our expectations are boone and crockett or nothing, have seen boone and crockett quality bulls in the past, she is getting pretty excited now,, the hunt is being filmed so there is a little more pressure on her for booner bull, thanks for the help scott
You must be local, if you know and can go to the different areas. Send PM and I will give some more private pointers, as I take people moose hunting every year in 63-69.
not sure how to pm. we live in rigby, spent most of my life hiking unit 69, i know the area very well, but never hurts to have extra eyes watching for a booner, thanks
Elk, trust me-Blank is your man when it comes to 69. He knows it well and spends I swear every spare minute in it!

To PM Blank, just click on the icons above his name. He lives in IF and I'm sure he'd be happy to help....which means I'll be coming up as well 'cuz we like to whack pine chickens when looking for moosies.
We are seeing alot of small bulls,cows and rattle snakes in the unit, anybody seeing anything good,any extra eyes out there would be great, thanks
Start looking really hard the next two week. You are just entereing "Prime Time".
thanks just heading out in a few minutes, going to hunt the next 3 days, scott

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