67 speed goats chug, chug



Hi guys, looking at MM members for advice from people that have been there, boots on the ground. An old school buddy and I are heading to WY unit 67 antelope Sept 30-oct 6. I'm looking at the maps I ordered and noticing some water in the se part of the unit. Are these still holding water due to the drought? Do the goats in that unit get their water from stock tanks or irrigated fields?? I see water holes like Mahoney res, puddle springs, Peratia springs, Signor draw ponds, Rognis res... do they still have h20?? Surely we want to kill goats but after that we plan to scout muleys for another potential hunt down the road. I know guys are tight lipped and I am the same way but if anyone is willing to throw us a bone for areas to scout for some muleys that would be fantastic. Is there much of an elk herd in that country/ I have not hunted elk for several years and would simply love to see a wild wapati. Thanks so much Jon
There is no irrigation in 67. Most of the ponds on your maps will be dry so look for the cattle tanks, creeks, and springs. There are several right along the highway. Hunt the east side of the unit.I've hunted there twice but never saw an Elk. Get up on top of the Beaver rim and glass north if you're looking for deer. They are widely scattered but there seem to be a few more there. Good luck.
Thanks for the note chipc. Does the terrain of 67 offer opportunity to archery hunt antelope or is the unit too open and flat to stalk within archery range? Never being in WY and with the hunt getting started soon for me. I'm starting to nervous.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-12 AT 09:10AM (MST)[p]HAHA +1 Red dog. Yeah, there are lots of goats. The terrain gets a lot more broken as you head east in the unit. Good potential for stalking. The country on the west side toward Riverton is pretty flat.
thanks guys thats reassuring. I get there saturday til the fallowing saturday. I plan on taking my time to find a good one and look for some muleys after that. What part of the unit has the highest deer density? You can PM me if needed thanks again fellas and good luck to you all this fall.
chipc and reddog, thanks for the info and encouragement. We hunted last week and looked hard at goats and found and capitalized on a couple good ones. we had to wade through a bounch of smaller ones to get to the ones worthy. thanks again clinton 5
Clinton said, " we had to wade through a bounch of smaller ones to get to the ones worthy."

lol, you make it sound like it was hard work and not enjoyable! That's the fun part of lope hunting if you ask me, the good ones, if that's what a guy wants, shouldn't come too easy!!

Did you post up pic's? Thanks and congrats!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I'm working on getting photos uploaded. To get a quick look at him look/google (hallowed ground outdoors facebook) and a pic was posted yesterday. Best part is you dont have to be a facebook member just have internet access and if youre reading this you do. My buddies goat is better and I'll try to get him posted. Thanks for the comments and help from MM members.
Hey Kilowatt how large of picture file can we upload on this site??

LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-12 AT 04:01PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-12 AT 04:00?PM (MST)


Great buck and congrats on the hunt. Hope you don't mind me sharing your pic!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-12 AT 06:05PM (MST)[p]here is a pic of our antelope. i hope you enjoy.
sorry it wont let me copy the bold line hence can't paste the up loaded pic. any more tips???
my buddy dennis and his goat hunted four days. he killed his day
two and mine day four.

Any other shots of yours? It may be worthy of being measured...also your buds buck has some high prongs.i'd like to see more pics if you got them..Job well done!

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