63 lopes, 87 deer


Long Time Member
Just passing on some current info from my hunting pard.

The Dumbell Ranch is a ranch that we have gotten permission to hunt lopes in small but key area of unit 63. That part of the ranch, at least, has been sold and they won't be able to grant permission as in the past.

The Pathfinder Ranch, the possible new buyers of the Dumbell, had some "problems" with people who were given permission to hunt or access thru on their property last year so they are not going to grant permission to those who have hunted their ranches before or to those who ask permission as they have in the past.

The Pathfinder Ranch is a huge land owner in area 87 deer and 63 lopes. It appears the actions of a few have spoiled access for the rest of us. Sad deal as both of these ranches have been as hunter friendly as can be before this news.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Pathfinder does now own the Dumbell, and all indications are that Pathfinder wind will allow NO public access to any of their private ranch holdings from now on. Keep this in mind when you hear or read how Pathfinder wind is doing great things for wildlife in central Wyoming as off-site mitigation for wind power development in other parts of Wyoming. I've heard many different stories about the reasoning behind shutting off public access, whether it's the fault of some idiots (very possible) or because the overall corporation just doesn't want the public on their holdings, it's a big chunk of country in these units.

The Parks' who manage the Dumbell are a class act and some of the best people anyone can hope to meet.
SW, "The Parks' who manage the Dumbell are a class act and some of the best people anyone can hope to meet."


Thank for the conformation on pathfinder lands! This info might come in handy when making choices on this season's hunts!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
The majority of 63 is BLM so I am really unclear as to the affects this could potientally have. When I veiw a map there seems to be plenty of access to hunt yet. We have always hunted around the pvt anyways.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
That is bad news. 63 is not what it was anyway but this won't help make it any better...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-12 AT 07:02PM (MST)[p]Thats correct, the majority of 63 is BLM.

I got permission to access the Pathfinder Ranch a couple years ago. Stopped and talked to a guy that worked on the Ranch and he and I knew a lot of the same people. He gave me full run of the place.

I never did hunt on the place though.

As to the Dumbell...I've a story on that place. Class act and my experience with them have nothing in common.

My Dad, Brother, and I had doe tags there and while driving down the highway we found a bunch of antelope on BLM land. The BLM land was right up to the highway, and ran for at least 4-5 miles along the highway, and back several miles. I have the GPShuntingmaps, which also indicated the same thing. I also referenced a BLM map as well...all the same. I use maps and a GPS for my job every day and I know where I am all the time. This was NO question legally accessible BLM...all day long.

So, we parked the truck and put a quick 1/4 mile stalk on the herd and my Dad shot a doe. My 7 year old nephew was along as well...heres the picture of my Dad and Nephew with the doe antelope:


We boned the antelope and started back to the truck. I had my gps on the entire time, compelete with a track. We got about 100 yards from my truck when I noticed a white pickup pull up and park next to my rig.

We got back and were crossing the fence when this guy, from the dumbell ranch, asked what we were doing. I said, hunting antelope, my Dad just shot filled a doe tag. The guy said, "oh good". That was the last positive thing. He then said, "well, I want your landowner coupon". I asked him why, as we shot the antelope on BLM. It clearly states on the LO coupon that if an animal is shot on public land, to mail the coupon in to the G&F, and not to give it to the landowner. He got mad as hell, and said, "I dont give a $hit if its BLM or not, I pay for the grazing on that BLM and I want the coupon." I said, "well, lets look at my map, and heres my GPS with the ownership right on it, and heres what it says on the LO coupon". He got even more angry and said, "I dont want to look at the GPS, map, or LO coupon, you're an a$$hole." and then he sped away back north on the highway. I did some digging and did find that he dumbell ranch does lease the BLM that we shot the antelope on...but they have no control over hunting on BLM...same as anywhere else.

I'd hardly call that clown a class act, considering the foul language he used in front of a 7 year old...all over a landowner coupon worth a few bucks that he had NO LEGAL RIGHT to.

I reported the incident to the WYG&F in Casper, complete with all the details, description of the vehicle, and the guy in the vehicle, etc. I was told by the G&F they'd had some similar reports there as well and they'd be looking into it. I hope the guy is denied redemption of any landowner coupons...as he's clearly a crook. I have no respect for anyone that would defraud the G&F and the landowner coupon program. I've given landowners numerous coupons in the past when I have shot animals on deeded land, just like you're supposed to.

That guy was an a$$hat, the 4XL variety at that...and I'm going back this year with more doe tags and a video camera. I hope he pulls the same thing again...as I know exactly where I'm going to fill my doe tags.
I would have to agree marburg. Great place to smack a doe or average buck but ya bess be ready for some serious glassing if you are hunting for a big buck. Crying shame it ain't what it once was...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Buzz, Mr and Mrs Parks have been running the Dumbell for many years and nicer people are hard to come by. Their place exists of many thousands of acres over the West border of 63 as well as the smaller pieces in 63. Anyone who asks permission is greeted as an old friend and made welcome in their home as well as given the run of their ranch lands.

Are you sure that you were dealing with Mr Parks? They had some bad luck with ranch foremen a few years ago, went thru several as far as i know, hard to see the behavior you claim as that of those people. I do know that all they asked from us in giving their permission, was for their guests to turn in the landowner coupon tags from which they made a few dollars. Myself, we gave them our tag coupons even though we killed some of our game on public. We were more than glad to help them out any way we could for their kindness.

I know a couple groups who hunt with them on their property for many years and that couple ARE wonderful people, seen by most anyone you care to ask as a class act!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
All I can tell you is the guy looked to be in his 60's I'd guess and was driving a white ford with a dent on the drivers side rear quarter panel.

It could have been a foreman...he never did say who he was, too busy cussing about the landowner voucher.

Whoever it was needed a good tuning...
Doesn't sound like the Parks' to me, although stranger things have happened. The Parks' were awarded the WGFD "Landowner of the year" for the Lander region last year, mostly for their cooperation and gracious treatment of the hunting public on the Dumbell. Myself and family have been treated by them exactly as sage stated.

I do know who it sounds like, associated with Pathfinder, but without knowing for sure, it would be in poor taste to speculate. I believe that Pathfinder actually aquired the Dumbell prior to the 2011 hunting season.
>He got mad as hell, and said, "I dont give a $hit if its BLM >or not, I pay for the grazing on that BLM and I want the >coupon."

Man would love to have that discussion with a permittee in the field.;-)

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