You seem confused, as usual.
Where do you get that I like legislation in regard to wildlife, GF, habitat, and hunting issues?
Can you name the last piece of legislation that I brought to a legislator?
I don't like legislation at all when it comes to wildlife, public lands, etc. You're dealing with Legislators that don't understand anything to do with wildlife, wildlife habitat, public lands management, recreation, etc. etc. etc. A vast majority don't even hunt or fish, and know so little about wildlife and hunting its frightening.
To ice the ineptitude of the Legislature, there are many with a political, and/or personal ax to grind against the GF and the hunting public.
The most I want the legislature to do, is very sparingly pass legislation that gives the GF commission the authority it needs to do what's best for wildlife, habitat, hunters, and the GF. That was the intent, and that model worked for a long time.
However, over time the Legislature has taken a new role in attempting to by-pass the desires of the average hunter (their constituents), the GF, and the GF commission and assume a role as wildlife managers. This was all brought on by special interests that found that they couldn't get their way through the Commission when it came to "pouring the pork" as you say, to the average guy.
The Commission has become the side-show to the three-ring circus that is the Legislature, rather than the decision making leader it should be.
Hunter apathy has allowed this all to happen, along with hunters not being willing to vote out those that don't understand or care about hunting, fishing, recreation, wildlife habitat, etc. etc.
But, then again, I cant really be too down on the Legislature when 99% of hunters don't even realize they're getting the pipe laid to them...and those that do, don't do much to stop it.
Carry on...