5K & Runners


Active Member
Running my first 5K this weekend. Just wanted to get some advice from some experienced MM'ers who run. Any Marathoner's? I'll probably just have fun and make sure I don't finish near the last of the pack. Thanks in advance! This running thing has helped me shed some pounds and I feel tons better for the season than the last few years...and those stadium stairs really get the HR up.
run your own pace don't get caught up in the race and go out to fast.run the first mile in your comfort zone and if you feel good pick it up over the last half of the race you will be suprised at how many people start out to fast and turn it into a death march.catching these people as they are running out of gas will boost your confidence and you will torch that last mile good luck.
To avoid any kind of embarassement you may want to avoid any type of laxatives 12 hours before the race. Good advice given by twister as well
rent a scooter and power your way through it to a victory ;-)

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
bowhunter 223 how did your 5k go? ran in one hometown race today and got 2nd. no glory there locals think you ain't first your last.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-08 AT 07:21AM (MST)[p]I finished about middle of the pack....26 mins. I had been chugging about 10min./miles during the week, so I did alot better race day. (I know..I know...it's pretty slow..especially for a 27 yr. old) :)
But I had a good time....and by darn, I'm going to catch that old lady next time. Seriously...there was some ladies in their 50's or 60's that all I saw the hole time was there backsides ( and NO it wasn't what motivated me to keep up :) )...they did not slow at all. I thought for sure I would catch them a mile or two out. Nope!!
Great time though. Gotta find a 10k somewhere.
Congrats on your run...26 mins is pretty good for a 5k. Soon you'll be up there with the kenyans.
Yeah...I'm sure that guy had to sit-it-out for a while once he got cleaned up. :)
Thanks for all the encouragement guys! You all are great.

PS- You know what was ironic...my race number was #223. HA! Weird stuff!

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