50 BMG's goin to Africa!



It's true! The cannon's permitted, approved by south African police and packed! Wonder if that 750 gr amax hollow point exiting a giraffes shoulder at 100 yards is gonna make chunks fly? Not to worry I'm definitely gonna post pics for the ethics police. And I would just like to inform everyone that my ph has almost got a good 50 inch type kudu to almost eat from his hand in his cattle pen. This is good because my 4 year old daughter wants one and hunter safety isn't required in RSA. No biggie guys my daughter is actually pretty good with a 308. That kudus goin down!

I'm gonna video tape it and remember it forever. And that's why I love Africa. Now I gotta get my 2 year old good enough with a 22 so he can kill a monkey!
Hey stinkbug!

We want some Blood but most important would be some Guts!

Keep a close Eye on the Big Cats over there & let QTPie do all the shooting on the Cats!:D

They ain't nothin to be toying around with!

You're not really gonna listen to your PH after you get there are you?

I can see it now!

Gonna be a Shootin Spree!:D

Good Luck!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Hope you and your family have a great time Stinky!! Good luck and blow some sh1t up would ya!! :)

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
Stinky let loose with a .50 Cal on the South African savannah? Sounds like we might be in for an international incident! LOL - Be careful what you miss!

But you don't have to go clear to Africa to shoot a Kudu that eats out of your hand, hell you just have to come across the border here to Texas!

Good luck to all of you though. Sounds like a great family vacation!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Tell Qtpie to keep a watch over her shoulder for those sneeky cats.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Hey Stinky, wishing you and you're family a safe and pleasant trip to Africa. Take plenty of pics and good luck on you're hunts. That would be awesome to take a big old leopard and kudu. Have fun blasting away!

You could probably hunt some cattle here in the states cheaper...Hell, The rancher would probably paint stripes on them if you paid them..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Good point snort. I will try to get some pictures of my "offerings" and see if I can book a hunt for stinky. It'd be strictly fair chase. Tie stinky to the cow's newborn calf and see her chase him.
"Wonder if that 750 gr amax hollow point exiting a giraffes shoulder at 100 yards is gonna make chunks fly? "

Only if you aim for his A$$..... Terry
Just a heads up, check with the airlines you will be using.
I heard of some guys that took some big double rifles and the airline confiscated the ammo. I forget if it was the amount of powder in the shell or overall weight that they went by.
It would suck to take the .50 and not have ammo.
Now africa has it figured out. Enjoy your time man. Good luck with it all. Dont let that Sable your after get away from ya. We want a day to day update
Your kids gonna have nightmares if he shoots a monkey. Can he just beat it with a stick?
Maybe have him watch Wizard of Oz before he goes. Them flying monkeys always freaked me out.
Your a mod paul? and your on here suggesting my son to "beat his monkey with a stick?" what kind of sick pervert are you?

It looks like im gonna be pointing the gun in the general direction and lettin him hammer some crap!

good to know about the ammo. may need to get a second ammo case since the first is already loaded with 70 lbs of ammo.

I think I may need to take bucksnort and nv along with me. Those are some dang fine creative juices they got goin on there. Thats exactly the kinda thinkin I need to solve the pink bunny issue for my daughter. For some reason she's now insisting that she shoots a pink bunny in africa. How do you talk your ph into buying a white rabbit, dye it pink, and tie it to a bush?
>Your a mod paul? and your
>on here suggesting my son
>to "beat his monkey with
>a stick?" what kind of
>sick pervert are you?

Nobody notices me down in the NM forum.
LAST EDITED ON May-11-11 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]pretty sure he's going to MOUNT the Monkey, as part of this interactive diorama he's got planned....along with a leopard Mounting a sable bull, and an elusive Trophy Appendage somewheres in there (assuming the gamefarmer, err, I mean PH, has managed to get the thing to 'come to hand' by the time Stumpy shows up with his big Gun)

Should be pretty interesting to see anyway, real animal art ya know!
Good luck and be safe. I think NM is suggesting spanking a monkey with a stick? That just does not sound right? Lol have fun man!!!
Very brave or very foolish.....

You would chance taking a military style rifle and ammo to a 3rd world country and expect that several government lackeys and b-crats are not going to mess with you?

Good Luck! Hope all goes well.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"



"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
I swear! One would think all you boys were 12 yr olds....spankin monkeys! Roflmao...just couldn't leave it alone could you boys! :)

Oh look the woman speaks.......just figured the stink mister was feeling like he had to make up for something......

Now You've stirred QTPie up!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Bessy post up that picture of Qtpie in the bush.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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