5 Expo tags for non-res only



LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-11 AT 03:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-11 AT 03:25?PM (MST)

what does every one think about the 5 OIL. tags that are exclusive to non residents. and all the other tags being eligible for non res. also.

Bull Moose Ogden
Bull Moose North Slope, West Daggett/Three Corners
Desert Bighorn Sheep San Rafel, Dirty Devil
Rocky Mtn. Bighorn Sheep Box Elder, Newfoundland Mtn.
Rocky Mtn. Goat No. Slope/So. Slope, High Uintahs West

I think it is ridicules these are Utah tags coming out of our draw to go to non-res.
They had to throw the non-ressy's some kind of bone to attend the expo. The first couple of years, the OIL tags were draw almost exclusively by residents.

Utah has such an extreme number of conservation/auction/expo/you-name-it tags, that 5 OIL tags to non-ressy's shouldn't really be that big of a deal.
I could be wrong but from what i've been told all the expo tags are taken out of the nonresident quota, so having 5 tags available for nonresidents only shouldnt upset any utahns.
I think all the expo tags need to go back into the draws! Make sfw earn their money another way.

Seems to easy to merely have the non-resident fly to the Expo to have a chance at the 205 tags that were previously in the non-resident draw. Maybe make it so have to wrestle a bear to turn in the gambling card, er, Expo application.

Geez. Next you will want to know where the millions of dollars go or why some of the really, really good tags end up in some well-known hands. Trouble makers!
Cool , I'll go for sure if there is going to be bear wrestling . LOL .

I think its fair that there is a draw for non-residents only .
Maybe I wouldn't hate sfw if I saw any good come from them. They make all this money and nobody know where it goes. I don't see anything they do that doesn't cost another entry fee that will make them more money.

The state needs to take the tags away and sfw needs to not call it a conservation expo. Have your business's come and have an outdoor expo without any tags! But don't call it a conservation expo because its not, no money goes back to wildlife. Seems like a great money making scheme to me, that's why they get no money from me!
"I think it is ridicules these are Utah tags coming out of our draw to go to non-res".

whats that old song from back in the day.....oh yah "cry me a river"!

I say if a NR is willing to make the drive to come over and contribute to our economy then great. 5 tags isn't a lot. I'm more interested in the sheep tags for the first timers. I would love to draw one of those!!!!

Welcome Non Residents! Chances are that I hunt in one, if not all, of your states so here's to hoping the welcome mat is mutual!:D

It's always an adventure!!!
At the December Wildlife Board meeting at the end there was the results of the State Audit that was done on the conservation groups. They told how the money from the expo made off the tags is the same ration that the other tags are. 10% to the group, 30% to the DWR and 60% in for projects that the DWR want done. It was shown up on the screen. Also the results is that SFW and MDF were the flying colors groups. RMEF still had money to go to the State as did the NTF. Ducks unlimited had done nothing and would not be getting tags this year as of the December meeting. All I know is that was at the WLB meeting at the end. Expo money from the tags were treated the same as the other tags.
"I think it is ridicules these are Utah tags coming out of our draw to go to non-res."

Ya I laughed my a$$ off when I saw this! :) Yes.......totally rediculous. I wonder if you thought it was rediculous when Don Peay raided the NR tags to get these in the first place??? After guys were buying points for these tags for 12 years? Now my same unit elk unit has 3 NR tags instead of 8 in 1997. Unreal.
I am pretty sure all the tags came from the NR tag allocation, so essentially they are giving NR back SOME of their tags.

I beleive they take away 25% of NR tags.

I do not like them, and from what I haev learned from people in Utah I am right too not like them.
>Maybe I wouldn't hate sfw if
>I saw any good come
>from them. They make all
>this money and nobody know
>where it goes. I don't
>see anything they do that
>doesn't cost another entry fee
>that will make them more
>The state needs to take the
>tags away and sfw needs
>to not call it a
>conservation expo. Have your business's
>come and have an outdoor
>expo without any tags! But
>don't call it a conservation
>expo because its not, no
>money goes back to wildlife.
>Seems like a great money
>making scheme to me, that's
>why they get no money
>from me!



The harder you work the luckier you get!!
I heard thru the grapevine from a legitimate source that if the 200 EXPO takes were returned to the Utah Big Game Draw. All 200 would go to NON-RESIDENTS...because they would pay a higher permit fee. "MO-MONEY FOR UTAH DWR". The Utah DWR could not take the loss in revenue, taking the tag's from the EXPO would cause. IF TRUE, I guess I'm glad the WHCS EXPO has 200 chances for me to draw a tag to hunt. 200 chances for a resident to draw, is better than no chances for a resident and 200 for nonresidents!! Be gratefull of the opportunity!!
All tags should go back to the state draws! Not a raffle/fundraiser for a BS "conservation" organization like SFW.

why dosent any body understand its not about the good of willife its all about MONEY. just like the world
>why would the 200 all go
>to non-res? they already get
>10% same as most states

Higher permit fee's for NR....MO-MONEY FOR THE DWR.
Wrestle a bear and get a tag I'm in for that. Just got to beat up a little 500 lb bear for a good tag should be easy as pie. Put me on the list.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>>why would the 200 all go
>>to non-res? they already get
>>10% same as most states
>Higher permit fee's for NR....MO-MONEY FOR

i don't think the difference would even buy two new trucks!
must be something to do with don peay or sfw!!
>"I think it is ridicules these
>are Utah tags coming out
>of our draw to go
>to non-res."
>Ya I laughed my a$$ off
>when I saw this!
>:) Yes.......totally rediculous.
>I wonder if you thought
>it was rediculous when Don
>Peay raided the NR tags
>to get these in the
>first place??? After guys
>were buying points for these
>tags for 12 years?
>Now my same unit elk
>unit has 3 NR tags
>instead of 8 in 1997.
> Unreal.


i went back too 2000 .couldn't find any units that gave 8 tags then and only 3 now . did you confuse az and ut? must be unreal!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-11 AT 07:32AM (MST)[p]UFC match till with highest places getting pick of tags in order! Don't want to get accused of cruelty to animals beating up bears:)
Oh, and the winner of the MMA tournament gets a match with DP for the pot in addition... I bet they would generate lots of money for the cause:)

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