5 and 5 points?


Long Time Member
My longtime hunting pard and i will be making my last trip of many to Wyoming, hopefully next year. We each have 5 points for deer and 5 for lopes. He still can hike and hunt with the best of them, i'm banged and buggered up with a serious bad back, legs, and feet and will need to stay closer to the rig.

We are looking for suggestions that might put us in decent country with a better than good chance to draw out. Our last trips out there was to H for deer and then 87 for deer and 63 for lopes before that. Our animals taken have been nice enough and the memories and good times were outstanding. We'd like one more good hunt together if possible, any help would be appreciated. PM's welcome.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Can't help you with an area to put in for as we have been hunting the Cody area and it usually doesn't take any points to draw. But good for you to get out there one more time. Love hunting that state.
Thank You NECALI! In my 60's now, still working for myself when my body allows and the phone rings, things have not really been going that well but as long as i'm up, i'll be wanting to go.

The high cost of outa state hunts compared to what they were back in the 70's and 80's has priced me out of the game. I may have a bit of wisdom to pass here and there but not when it comes to making and keeping any kind of serious money. All my life, i've put being a good person, hunting, fishing, and being outdoors ahead of building a strong financial future and i'm paying for that now. As i said, one more good trip, then i'll have to settle for what i can do around here closer to home and currently, that's not such a bad thing.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Would you have enough points to hunt these areas uou mention again? If so why not hunt something familiar and save yourself some boot leather? I always seem to have a wonderful time when we get the chance to hunt a familiar area and when we had good success in the area too. If you decide to hunt 87/63 please don't hesitate to drop me a message as I would be more than happy to share what I know.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Tail, i'd love to hunt 87 again but as a non-resi, not many tags available and i heard that last year, there were no tags for non-resi's. I doubt 87 is a option. This is the buck i took the day a big storm came in and we felt it was time to call it. My pards buck was a couple inches wider, a little better buck.

Here's my 63 antelope. I spent a week anyway, looking at 100's of bucks. Where i hunted, has been taken over by Pathfinder Ranch.

Here's my Dad, his brothers and a Uncle, as a boy with a .410, right in front of Grampa, in the back of the rig getting ready to go on a hunt on Grandpa's Ranch, the ranch i grew up on and took many, many fine blacktails from a early start thru my 30's.

My Pard, same guy who will be making this next Wy.trip with, and i 35 years ago with a couple nice pure blackies from our ranch.

My health keeps me from going back to our camp up top in H. It's hard to vision a guy like myself who was bullet proof and one of the hardest hunters around now saying that it's just too tuff a hunt but realities eventually will bite everybody in the ass, some sooner than later. Here's my H buck along with a last day management buck my pard took being he could not put the hammer down on one at least as nice as mine. note, he musta passed more than a dozen nice young bucks way bigger than the little twisted rack buck he took home.

my pard holding my buck on a hillside that was a total steep rockslide except the one little half acre sized green spot where the buck lived. Even back then, it was too rough a country for this big ol boy and i didn't feel totally safe until back at the trail head.

So now i mostly road hunt or sit and glass and knowing how i used to hunt, i don't feel in the least ashamed to say so. I put in my hard miles hunting , i can't do it any longer for health reasons, but i still like to go. Last year, for the first year since i was a kid, i decided to take a buck for the freezer if i could. Here's the one i got, a nice blacktail-muley cross buck that i thoroughly enjoyed thru the winter.

As far as why go to new places, why not? I love going to new country, especially on outa state trips. As i said, i'm getting priced out of the game. As many great hunts i been on and neat places i been, i'll be doing even more and seeing new country for the first time, i hope, just a bit closer to home. :)

A few of my better bucks.




I got room for another! Thanks for the PM's guys, more info welcome!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Those are some nice looking trophy's Joey i wish i could help you but all the areas i am familiar with take more then 5 points.Good luck i hope you have one more great out of state hunt.
Update, After more planning by phone with my old Pard, we feel like it's not this next season but the season after that will give us the time to properly do my last Wy out of state hunt.

I have been getting a few PM's of offers to help and what seems like some darn good advice. I can't tell you how much that means to me to see that my offerings of helping in these pages, of what i know to some, has turned full circle so now it's others helping me. IMO, that's how it should be and as i said, i'm very thankful!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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